The A71 came out in 2020, which was about when Samsung was phasing the jacks out. And they took them out of the S line first, which I always thought was weird - for a while, you had this feature that was present in their mid range phones, but completely absent in the more expensive flagships. They’re not the only ones that did that, of course, but it does seem kinda backwards.
My Moto also does per-app volume, and I agree, it’s pretty rad.
I’ve got a Samsung A71 5G with a headphone jack - I recommend it highly except the lack of cases available for it. I shy away from non Samsung android solely due to
Which, without going to the trouble of rooting, let’s me tell apps to STFU regardless of their preferences.
The A71 came out in 2020, which was about when Samsung was phasing the jacks out. And they took them out of the S line first, which I always thought was weird - for a while, you had this feature that was present in their mid range phones, but completely absent in the more expensive flagships. They’re not the only ones that did that, of course, but it does seem kinda backwards.
My Moto also does per-app volume, and I agree, it’s pretty rad.