First a call-out of fatphobia ( that ended up proving its point, then the stuff about “he/hims” ( ". Apparently a mod got banned!?

I am not very active and I never look at the megathreads, the number of comments in them scare me away from them. Is that where it’s happening? I feel confused about what this community is like now.

I, uh, don’t really know what my point is. Maybe someone can explain what the state of the site is? Especially on the he/hims thing. Maybe that’s the main point of this post.

I feel sad for people that got hurt by this.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    2 months ago

    For the record, I actually liked your post, and this is what I wanted to comment before it became some shitty struggle session. Possible CW for not great terminology and phrasing on my part since I’m not familiar with fat activism at all:

    I’m not entirely on board with what your post said, but I had seen similar arguments before on Twitter and have incorporated some of what was said in my current fitness goals. I did the repeated cycle of fad dieting and failed fitness goals and self-loathing eating, so taking inspiration from those fat activists(?), I decided to ignore my weight this time but still exercise anyways. What I found was this:

    1. Once I stopped hyperfocusing on weight and see reality for what it is, I realized my weight didn’t really impede in my exercise at all. There’s some stuff like how my treadmill wears out faster, but my weight has surprisingly little impact. I thought jogging would be an issue except it turns out overweight people have the corresponding developed leg muscles needed to move that weight around. The only real impact are things like planks, pushups, and pullups, but even those have “easier” forms like doing them with your knees on the ground or pushing off a table instead of on the ground. Sure, they might not be “real” pushups, but a pushup is ultimately about exercising certain muscles under a certain amount of body weight. Therefore, a heavier person should be exercising with a form that puts a lesser percentage of body weight on those muscles than a lighter person so they both are working on muscles under the same effective weight. It’s only fair.

    2. People started to comment on how much weight I “lost” despite the fact that I lost a grand total of two fucking pounds. I’ve taken shits and piss that weighed more than that. But after reading your post and some reflection, I think what they’re actually trying to say is that I look more fit, that I have better posture and balance among other things. And with some pride, I can say that it is certainly true. But there’s a disturbing element to this. I have come to believe that they are blinded by ideology, in this case fatphobia. And they are so blinded by this ideology that even when faced with the objective reality of someone who has obviously become more fit despite being overweight and not losing a single pound, they literally have to invent their own reality and say that I must have lost weight somehow.

    This is a bit off topic, but the original thread is locked and I think it would be super weird if I DMed this to you lol