In other words: Coca-cola doesn’t have a million to burn like the other oligarchs but wants to make Donny Two-Scoops feel like their special boy.
In other words, Coca-Cola realized that they don’t need to spend $1 million dollars, they can just slap “Special Boy” on a bottle for 6 cents and achieve the same result.
You don’t think the coca cola company has a million to burn?
They just know that donny will lap this tat up and ask for seconds
You know every time he does something, someone in the comments makes an idiocracy reference and we all roll our eyes because “Yeah, theres the low hanging fruit guy coming to farm votes” like its an original thought.
Well… Its my turn.
“This Inauguration brought to you by Diet coke. DIET COKE, IF YOU DONT DRINK IT FUCK YOU!”
Except Idiocracy didn’t go far enough. Drumph isn’t going to walk around saying he’s sponsored by Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola is going to go around saying they’re sponsored by him.
“The Coca-Cola Company, sponsored by Donald Trump. Donald Trump - Fuck you!”
Did Coke just call him fat?
It was diet Coke
It is basically health food
Can coca cola please gift him more non-diet cokes so he can get diabeetus and die
Or just Diet Coke laced with polonium.
That’s kind of a terrible thing to say. I wouldn’t wish death or diabetes on anyone.
With that being said, Coke and Pepsi are slowly killing America
I saw the community this was posted in and my brain somehow removed the “not” in “not the Onion”. I was like “haha, oh the Onion. They still got it.”
Then I looked at the community again…
Want to know something funny?
Coke won’t allow anyone to put Jesus on Coke, but they’ll happily put Trump on it.
Trump’s probably a much better customer than Jesus.
I might not understand how Christianity does these things, but wouldn’t putting Jesus on coke be sacrilegious as fuck?
This is great
People here get way to up in arms when Trump is mentioned. Just enjoy the stupidity of the world.
LBJ had a special button installed that would summon someone to bring him a Fresca.
Bring him a Tab Clear
One word: Idiocracy.
Fucking bootlicking piece of ass
As much as I want to call out bootlickers, it would honestly be weirder if they didn’t continue the tradition.
Headline might as well be “Trump first president to prefer Diet Coke.”
I have a suggestion as to where he can put it.
“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”