the tiktok exodus is widely known! for those of you who don’t know, i am in high school. i can’t count with my hands how many people have talked about it, and that’s just in the two classes i had yesterday (exam week, yay). i’ve already gotten 2 people to download it. they both made accounts and use it now! it’s broken the niche internet thing into the real world, at the very least for young people.

on the app front, lots of americans are posting things like “we’ve been lied to, china isn’t that bad!” i’ve come across so many americans learning about chinese culture and responding positively to patriotic or socialist posts from chinese netizens. it’s insane, i’m really amazed at how, for at least a good chunk of americans, china is becoming less demonized.

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I would double check its not some identity theft deal going on with banking, since that’s been a thing going on for a bit.

    Depending on various things you could try to escape the harassment, best of course is immigrating, second best is moving remote since the authorities there generally don’t have time nor inclination to harass the blacklisted and such with the caveat if you super stand out as a minority they’ll pester you for that, but not necessarily for your whistleblowing nor saying/being the wrong things around butthurt lib-chuds with connections. You can etch out a small and miserable existence rather than none at all, its a choose your own flavor of hell. Mine’s not that severe, for certain can’t touch anything academic or at a college, a former coworker confirmed since they told me at work astonished about it. For another ‘symptom’ in CA I’d get chained pulled over like every other second for total bullshit, best record was I had a little snow on the roof of my car and got pulled over 5 times in a row otw home.

    The people I did a little loud complaining with were like ‘hurr hurr the lists only last 6-12 years’, nah they’re much longer than that, I’m suspecting permanent.

    Supposedly some lists get trigger-happy and ridden with false positives, so you end up with like the whitest toddler in Murikkka on the terror watch list unable to fly while his parents are ok, and a bunch of harmless libs noted as super villain tier radicals. I’m not sure to the extent, but I do know its something no one is ever going to fix.

      2 months ago

      it’s not identitify theft; i’ve already checked with the credit bureaus and the thought of living in a small town like the one i grew up in fills me with dread due to the certainty that i would go crazy again.

      i was already planning on emigrating, so i think i’ll just place more effort & resources on that.