Assume you’re life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.

Also assume you’ve exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won’t cover treatment for whatever reason.

    1 year ago

    Collect a bunch of broken laptops, fill the hard drive with pics of dude’s 69’ing and sell them for $2,000 each on Ebay as “Hunter Biden’s Laptop”.

    While I don’t care what two consenting adults do, the people obsessed with Hunter do get bent out of shape over anyone gay, so it would be entertaining to make them look through many such images looking for whatever evidence they think they will find.

    Alternatively, and more likely, I’d get over my moral qualms about selling questionable tr*mp/rightwing gear to idiots.