China is going to develop a defense for all this shit pretty fast if you ask me. Then the west will be absolutely fucked as they spend all their time trying to block China instead of innovating themselves. Meanwhile China creates better and better AI while creating better and better defenses against the wests attacks. lol.
The US continues to compete with the only tool it knows how to use. They’re about to learn that genuine competition requires more than just brute force and intimidation.
China is going to develop a defense for all this shit pretty fast if you ask me. Then the west will be absolutely fucked as they spend all their time trying to block China instead of innovating themselves. Meanwhile China creates better and better AI while creating better and better defenses against the wests attacks. lol.
The US continues to compete with the only tool it knows how to use. They’re about to learn that genuine competition requires more than just brute force and intimidation.