Obviously you commented a refutation without understanding what they said, and didn’t bother to type the word in Google, but I’m curious what you thought they said. Did you think they were saying they grew nails in their stomach or something? Obviously they ate them. How else would you think they could be there?
Uh, that’s what Pica is, eating stuff that’s not food.
Yes, that’s what people with Pica do.
Obviously you commented a refutation without understanding what they said, and didn’t bother to type the word in Google, but I’m curious what you thought they said. Did you think they were saying they grew nails in their stomach or something? Obviously they ate them. How else would you think they could be there?
Pica is the medical term for eating things that aren’t food. Nails, rocks, dirt.
Pica seems a reasonable assumption
The alternative is that he ate them as a performance, but he must have performed a lot
Is it necessary irony that a person saying someone doesn’t know what they’re doing will also show a knowledge deficient?