That’s what Elon started wearing his kid on his head.
Like a bullet magnet 🧲
I wish the people who voted pro NRA shit had to take fire as often as school kids - it would change their policies quickly.
They’d just do what they always do. Apply more force with their wealth. They’d have private armies to protect themselves, expect the taxpayer to help the poor billionaires by paying for some of it, quash protest, etc.
Private schools also have this problem.
it’s happened, for sure, but in far lower incidence than public schools.
I honestly wouldn’t make the distinction, but you do have to admit the number (frequency) and impact (number killed) on the private school side is far, far below public schools (and that makes sense considering the proportions).
as a home schooling family we consider both gorvernment & parochial schools still public schools, because they are out in public.
Let’s start with this: murdering people is bad.
That being said, if someone is determined to murder people for infamy and attention, let’s give all the attention we can to those who kill parasite CEOs while saying nothing about those who kill random civilians and children.
“I got in one little shooting and my peers got scared, Luigi ain’t ever going to live in a mansion in Bel Aire”.