Just the gall to get it to the top of r conservative. Genius.

  • I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    Buddy, this is a pathetic coping mechanism. You want so badly to believe they are miserable, because you just can’t fathom that life would be so unfair as to make them happy.

    As the lone liberal in a large family of conservatives, let me tell you, they’re not miserable. My family group chat has been filled with happy vacation photos, play date arrangements for kids, jokes, and laughter.

    The truth is, most conservatives don’t actually care about “sticking it to the libs”; they just don’t give a shit at all. They don’t listen to the news, they don’t talk about politics, they don’t have any significant worries. They go to their straight, white, Christian churches; talk to their straight, white, Christian friends; and discuss how great their straight, white, Christian families are.

    Of course they have fear and hatred of anything that isn’t straight, white, or Christian; but that by no means makes them unhappy. They live in their bubbles, and inside their bubble, everything is nice and perfect. It’s those filthy liberals, who were so cruel as to occasionally make them look outside of their bubble, that were the real problem. And now that they’re out of office and they never have to leave or look outside their bubbles again, everything is once again perfect. Just perfect.

    • Contramuffin@lemmy.world
      20 days ago

      That has not been my experience, but I acknowledge that your family likely has different dynamics than mine. Speaking at least from my experience, I can at least tell you that the conservatives I know have an exceptionally hollow sense of happiness.

      Still a pathetic cope, but at least it’s a sometimes-true pathetic cope