When questioned about a growing measles outbreak in West Texas that has claimed at least one life, Health & Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told reporters “we have measles outbreaks every year.”
When questioned about a growing measles outbreak in West Texas that has claimed at least one life, Health & Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told reporters “we have measles outbreaks every year.”
We did, you fossil, until we eradicated it 25 years ago…
RFK Jr is a dumbass but the US has always had measles cases. There were 285 of them last year.
“Eradicated” has a technical meaning and its different than a lay reading.
Outbreak also had a technical meaning.
For a given time (e.g., within 2 weeks)
Within a specific location (e.g., linked by institution, affiliation, exposure, small geographic area)
If outbreaks were normal, it wouldn’t be an outbreak.
The CDC recorded 16 outbreaks in 2024.
Again, RFK Jr is a fucking clown and I wouldn’t trust him to watch my dog but technically he’s correct here.
Fair. But that is using a different definition for outbreak that whats shown on CDCs definition page.
Are you surprised by the lack of consistency or frustrated that we have to live with it?
Because of two datapoints? You need more than two years, one of which isn’t even done yet, to make that kind of determination.
That is a problem Democrats have. They have a holier-than-thou complex and then even when they are proven wrong, they refuse reality because they can’t imagine ever being wrong.
I’m confused… You say Democrats but then go on to describe the behavior of conservatives.
I was with you in your other comments and then you had to generalize an entire population of people. Hivemind idiots on the internet doesnt mean you can do that.
Not every Democrat is a hivemind idiot, but a big enough percentage that It contributed to their loss. Harris was one as well. Biden, “you ain’t black” definitely.
You have no idea the distribution of idiocy between Republicans and Democrats give me a break. Its all vibe based on your specific newsfeed.
With a constantly changing narrative for each party im not sure how people even associate themselves with either party outside of voting for president/congress/senate. The more specific you get the more irrelevant it becomes.
iF yOu ArEnT a CoMmUnIsT yOUr ScUm
Which was nearly five times as many as the year before, and a tiny fraction of the cases from 1990.
There weren’t any “outbreaks” in 2023, so right there that proves his statement false, at least if we’re being as pedantic as you.
You want to know how we keep measles outbreaks low? By responding to them and not hand-waving them away.
The point is the number keeps going up as the antivax crowd continues to seep into positions of power like RFK.
Longer that that I think. I’m 54 and am just now learning what measles is, hadn’t much of a clue. Disease that makes kids spotty and not my fucking problem because we were all vaccinated? Kinda like grandma’s smallpox scar. “Fuck is that?!”
It was officially eradicated in the US in 2000 per NPR
I remember it being really strange to me as a kid that there were a lot of film and TV shows where a kid would get either the measles or mumps and then have padded cheeks, and I had no idea what these illnesses were and never heard of anyone getting them. I think my mom at some point said it was more common in the 60s or 70s. That was back in the 80s mostly they really don’t even show up in any 90s written stuff, and I’m sure a lot of it was reruns from the 60s or old teen comedies, (not the sexy or unedited for TV kind)
These fuckers really want to bring back the 50s polio and all.