The answer to “what is Firefox?” on Mozilla’s FAQ page about its browser used to read:
The Firefox Browser is the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit that doesn’t sell your personal data to advertisers while helping you protect your personal information.
Now it just says:
The Firefox Browser, the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit, helps you protect your personal information.
In other words, Mozilla is no longer willing to commit to not selling your personal data to advertisers.
A related change was also highlighted by commenter jkaelin, who linked direct to the source code for that FAQ page. To answer the question, “is Firefox free?” Moz used to say:
Yep! The Firefox Browser is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it, and we don’t sell your personal data.
Now it simply reads:
Yep! The Firefox Browser is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it.
Again, a pledge to not sell people’s data has disappeared. Varma insisted this is the result of the fluid definition of “sell” in the context of data sharing and privacy.
I see so that’s why this person has negative 30 upvotes for mentioning they hope people will leave them alone for using a different browser…
My guess is that they got downvoted because their comment makes no sense, while being angry about it.
If people were criticising their usage of Brave, why would they stop now? It makes no sense. Firefox getting worse doesn’t make Brave any better. People who disliked it will still dislike it and people who liked it will still like it.
He is right to be annoyed about getting lectured, but it’s silly to think that this news about a different, unrelated browser has any bearing on it.
Person A->Person B: Doing X is stupid you shouldn’t do X you should do Y
Person A: Y is now X. Person A is now doing X.
Person B:-> I can finally stop having people bitch about me doing X
Person A: Nuh uh X is stupid
How’s that comment makes no sense break down in logical terms?
It’s not what happened. If the original comment was “I hope people will stop lecturing me about Firefox being great” it would make sense, but it didn’t mention Y, or Firefox, at all.
Even then, your breakdown still doesn’t seem logical to me. Person B can expect people to stop recommending them Y, but they have no reason to expect people will stop criticising X, as nothing changed about X.