my bf is poly and already has a bf, so he doesn’t want to initiate anything with me. he doesn’t wanna call nor hang out, and he always texts very dry. he’s nice, but i don’t feel loved.

I’m not doing well mentally though. my gf already ignores me (she and i are poly too) and i feel like i will die if he breaks up (though i clearly won’t die)

    19 hours ago

    Sounds like he’s just using you as his fucktoy.

    Dump this bum. Have some more respect for yourself. You deserve love and respect. If someone is going to be in a poly relationship, everyone in that relationship needs to be OK with it. It sounds like his boyfriend isn’t. If his boyfriend being upset is a reason not to be with you, then you aren’t really in a poly relationship. He’s in a relationship with his boyfriend, and he’s just occasionally cheating on his boyfriend with you. A poly relationship requires that all members be fine with the other members getting together. That is the difference between being poly and being a cheating bastard.

    Dump this bum.