What if it’s either that, or suicide? I imagine that people who make that choice don’t have a lot of choice. Due to monetary, physical, or mental issues that they cannot make another choice.
I’m confused. If someone is in a place where they are choosing between dating a body pillow and suicide, then they have DEFINITELY made a wrong turn somewhere. They need some kind of assistance, and I hope they can get what they need, no matter what they choose.
I think my statement about “a wrong turn in life” is being interpreted too strongly; it wasn’t intended to be such a strong and absolute statement of failure. Someone who’s taken a wrong turn has simply made a mistake. It could be minor, it could be serious. I’m not saying their life is worthless. I’ve made a TON of wrong turns myself.
These same people would be dating a body pillow or trying to marry a video game character.
The issue here isn’t AI, it’s losers using it to replace human contact that they can’t get themselves.
You labeling all lonely people losers is part of the problem
If you are dating a body pillow, I think that’s a pretty good sign that you have taken a wrong turn in life.
??? Have you met my blahaj?? How DARE yo u
What if it’s either that, or suicide? I imagine that people who make that choice don’t have a lot of choice. Due to monetary, physical, or mental issues that they cannot make another choice.
I’m confused. If someone is in a place where they are choosing between dating a body pillow and suicide, then they have DEFINITELY made a wrong turn somewhere. They need some kind of assistance, and I hope they can get what they need, no matter what they choose.
I think my statement about “a wrong turn in life” is being interpreted too strongly; it wasn’t intended to be such a strong and absolute statement of failure. Someone who’s taken a wrong turn has simply made a mistake. It could be minor, it could be serious. I’m not saying their life is worthless. I’ve made a TON of wrong turns myself.
More ways to be an addict means more hooks means more addicts.
Me and Serana are not just in love, we’re involved!
Even if she’ s an ancient vampire.