Honestly with the DOJ entirely in Trump’s camp there’s nothing stopping them from doing anything at all. At least nothing that wouldn’t force every military personnel to storm the White House.
Honestly with the DOJ entirely in Trump’s camp there’s nothing stopping them from doing anything at all. At least nothing that wouldn’t force every military personnel to storm the White House.
Because it’s all dog whistles so “you can’t prove it! I just don’t like DEI, it’s unfair!” “I don’t like gay people being forced down my throat in all media!”
There’s always a somewhat “proper” argument that hides the real reason they agree with it.
Yeah it hurt to look at that lol …that lane is done for
Because our founding morons were so unbelievably insanely naive that they thought people would remain honorable and would simply pick the most qualified, impartial, person they knew of and they relied on the people eligible to vote (not as many idiots as today) to not reward the types of people who would make a dictatorship.
Our entire government and system of laws come from a group of naive asshats that came from a time where an agreement meant something and the idea of honor was more than just a joke. Our completely broken Congress and gerrymandered voting system has kept us from altering anything meaningful so we’re stuck with what the founding morons designed for the most part. :/
Because unfortunately the only thing the Democrats are good at is failing miserably at being good politicians. Those of us in the US are stuck between choosing a party of feckless, stupid, corpo shills and a party of straight up fascists :(
I’m not so sure about the binoculars part there… I have an 8" dobsonian telescope and I have a hard time finding those two.
President quid pro quo.
He’s showing the country that if you have some way to be useful to him then you’re exempt from the law. Great. :/
Not enough people unfortunately, although I’m sure there is some overlap between those that don’t vote but still watch the news. I think we overestimate how many people are “politically engaged.”
Because most people are blissfully ignorant. They’re going about their day and if anything they’re possibly reminded that Trump is president by some news channel they pass over on their way to the newest true crime show or whatever the hell is on tictok.
Most people couldn’t be forced to care if you had a gun to their heads as evidenced by our disgusting voting numbers. “Didn’t vote” would win every election if it was a candidate.
Most people “aren’t political” which is nice if only politics didn’t affect your life so deeply. :/
That poster is infuriating.
“My body, my choice” from the anti-choice crowd… The fucking nerve.
“You see, the problem is that I’m a Democrat with actual power and that means I cannot do anything that is actually needed. I must remain feckless in the face of corruption. It’s what we do best.”
Bold move as BRICS attempts expansion.
Global demand for the dollar is the only thing that allows us to feed the greedy greedy piggies with our budget, when the shit hits the fan and the dollar isn’t in demand we’ll see how well this works… :/
They’re also admitting that they don’t teach anything about LGBTQ+ at all in any realm. Not health class, civics, history, art, nothing.
“You better stop before I count to three or… Or… Ummm… Or I’ll be really upset! You won’t believe how many sternly written letters I’ll send!”
“Just you wait! Fox news will call me an activist judge and the GOP will seek to have me impeached! That will show you to mess with the Judiciary and nothing happens!”
I don’t know how we refom a party that chooses their “leader” to be Mr.“there are good and bad billionaires. We’ll refuse bad billionaires money but we will take good billionaires money.”
So as long as Boeing says they like gay people and don’t refute climate change then we’ll continue to take their bribes donations, but will also take their direction on what we’re allowed to vote on. Status quo, but with morally “clean” billionaire funding. :/
Unfortunately the “Tea Party-style insurgency within their party” is what we recently experienced with the “freedumb” caucus, not the original tea party. I don’t see this happening with us because as good ol’ twodicks pointed out, it was yet another billionaire influence campaign… :/
Of course good Old Jimmy Twodicks beat me to it! Lol
This is exactly why it won’t happen. We don’t have billionaires behind us trying to finance the movement, doing whatever they can to increase exposure and fund campaigns… :(
I was aiming more for “political suicide”, but I know some people are sensitive to that word so I chose not to use it out of consideration of them not any fear of retaliation.
Here’s what the Democrats currently have the power to do: