I don’t know where OP is, but here in Massachusetts, we have no sales tax on groceries:
I don’t know where OP is, but here in Massachusetts, we have no sales tax on groceries:
You know, I should buy a spare. Thanks for the idea
If you insist on ideological purity even when it will obstruct a tangible victory, then YOU have actually let the fascists win.
How can you not see that? Your pure argument fails, their fascist law stands, the fascists win. Or you make an argument that is distasteful, get the law overturned, and give real, tangible benefits to the people who need it, therefore the fascists DID NOT WIN.
I’m not fighting a philosophical war; I’m fighting a REAL one.
Literally why I’m still sitting here on my Pixel 5.
In the past, manufacturers seem to “innovate” every few years and reinvent the small form factor phone. I’m waiting, hoping we see that trend breaking again soon.
Overturning a law that hurts women isn’t progress? Because the way they’re choosing to argue isn’t pure enough for you?
Ok, well you wave your magic wand and fix all the problems all at once. I, for one, am not going to hold my breath for that. Better is better.
Ok, when you can win in court with that strategy, go for it.
In the meanwhile, I’ll accept the most likely to win a good outcome and get this law overturned. Sorry, I’ll forever be realpolitik like that.
She’s making a legal case presenting herself as the perfect case scenario. It’s just a tactic to present the best argument possible to get the law overturned for everyone, even people who can’t pretend to be perfect.
Deep cut Expanse reference. Specifically to an episode that had a lot of personal meaning for me.
I have cfs not from Covid. It’s permanent. There are treatments that are at least good enough to allow me to work full time, but I’ll need medication for the rest of my life
Yep! Over a billion years old and a major feature on Pangaea.
I knew it was West Virginia.
This is not climate change, y’all. The Appalachians are an eroding mountain range. The town where my sister lives is in a constant battle to keep the roads from falling into the adjacent creek beds. It’s just an absurdly difficult geography to build on.
I see we’re just going full speed ahead with the whole attitude that Long Covid doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter.
Why is it always in CT??? That’s an incredible save, if the first round of compressions weren’t really effective. I can’t even imagine doing compressions for 11 minutes at all, let alone in isolation gear. I think I’d join the patient, if I tried that.
I was really readying a polite, “No you should definitely render aid first and ask questions later” lecture until your comment made me read that again…slowly.
That setup was subtle and very well done. Bravo @FauxPseudo@lemmy.world
From a person with a lot of years of experience fighting mold on wood in a humid climate, what you want is borax:
Borax kills mold and also soaks into wood and stays there to prevent future growth. Bleach does not help on porous surfaces like wood:
"Note that bleach should not be used to kill mold found on wood. While bleach is very effective for killing mold on non-porous surfaces, it doesn’t work well when it comes to wood. This is because the chlorine in bleach can’t penetrate wood, so only the water portion of the bleach gets absorbed.
The mold may appear to be removed from the surface, but it’ll likely continue to grow underneath and return within a few months."
And then the movie patient pops up and smiles and everything is perfectly restored back to normal instead of, “Oh, we convinced your heart to start beating again, but you’re still unconscious probably because you have brain damage, your kidneys are dying, your blood is acidic, and now we’re gonna put you on a breathing machine. Best wishes!”
There are a few things I wish we could really show the public. The first is how brutally savage and undignified CPR really is. And the second is what alcohol abuse really does to a person.
Chronic malnutrition, brain damage, hallucinations, anxiety, internal bleeding, fluid swelling your abdomen like a water balloon, literal ammonia building up in your blood that we treat by deliberately inducing massive diarrhea. That’s not even mentioning esophageal varices and the increased cancer risk.
Alcohol is a horrifying drug.
Yeah, I grew up in a small American town and my cousins were more like my siblings than my actual sister because they were the same age as me. We all fled that small town, so the next generation are all growing up not surrounded by extended family.
I think there are good and bad sides to it. It was nice to grow up surrounded by family with a strong sense of belonging. But my cousins’ children are growing up knowing people from far more diverse backgrounds than I ever had access to, which is good for them in a different way.
Overall, I think the effects are probably neutral
Oh, we have lots of those! There are some drugs that we use to treat high blood pressure work by causing vasodilation.
What’s really interesting about this new drug is:
“…iloprost is not only a vasodilator but also reduces oxidative stress, suggesting this dual mechanism of action could help explain its impressive potential as a frostbite treatment.”
It not only dilates blood vessels, it also directly treats reperfusion injury, which is really neat.