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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I got COVID for the first time a couple months ago. I was symptomatic 2 days before testing positive (worst fucking sore throat of my life) but on the third day I was able to start Paxlovid. I’m 51, asthma, and 10lbs over the line that qualifies me as obese.

    I don’t have the words to describe the nightmare that medicine created in my mouth, BUT I would take it again under those circumstances. It seriously stopped the progression of my sickness. I ended up with a mildly sore throat for almost 3 weeks and it took about 5-6 weeks to recover from the fatigue.

    For companies to do things like this should be a crime. The insane amounts of money they spend on advertising should also be held against them.

  • I’ll take the time to look at these after work, but I wanted to briefly chime in.

    Co-morbidities or not, we have been aware since the beginning (well before the vaccines were available) that some people continued to have lingering symptoms and suffered other types of damage due to having contracted the virus. For example - an athletic coworker in her early 40s contracted it August 2020, and to this day continues to have heart problems. I work in hospice, and while the numbers are lower than they were over the last few years, we still regularly get patients entering hospice due to damage from COVID.

    I have yet to come across a patient who needed hospice services due to a vaccine.

    If I’m going to take a “risk” on anything, it’ll be the vaccine.

  • I work in hospice and see a variety of conditions. Some people in their 60’s with significant mobility issues that are chronically exhausted, but then there’s the patients in their 90’s who just recently started cutting back on social events and activities due to injury/illness.

    Seeing these differences was why I started roller skating (again) at 49 and increased other activities to keep my ass moving and challenge my coordination and balance. I want to get everything I can out of this life.

  • Serious question.

    Following the assumption that it’s not food safe plastic, what is the actual risk that we’re talking about here? I get that there’s many variables (length of time/temp of contact, porousness and moisture content of food, etc) but let’s say that the variety of foods were stored in a cooler for 4 hours prior to consumption. To do this 3x a year, what are the risks? Obviously this set up left in the car during the summer for 8hrs before eating would be a REALLY bad idea, but wondering where it starts crossing the line from insignificant risk to “you should really think twice.”

    I remember years ago Mythbusters tested the “5 second rule” and contamination really had much more to do with what was making contact vs how long.

  • I was raised with a couple different approaches to Christianity, first the boring going to church every Sunday sitting between my parents and listening to the droning of the pastor, then in my teens introduced to the “exciting” world of evangelicalism. Long story short, there’s so many interpretations and means which people have used the Bible to control and abuse, I can’t support many of the “Christians” or their churches based off of their messages and their actions.

    Instead I just live my life best I can with the foundational messages and what I think God really wants of me - to be in service, love, and support others to the best of my ability. I’m a massage therapist that works in hospice. I make a modest living bringing comfort and kindness to others. I also volunteer at a food bank every month. My Jewish boyfriend isn’t religious, but culturally follows many Jewish traditions. Which oddly enough makes his behaviors and lifestyle line up much closer to my own values than any other “Christian” man I’ve dated in my 51 years.

    While there may be those who feel called to drop everything and travel to spread the word - you’re right, economically it wouldn’t fly. If I did that, ultimately my welfare would be reliant on creating a burden for others. As long as I can continue to provide for myself, I can use any additional resources and time I have to help and support others.

  • In my 51 years I’ve never seen mold grow in a freezer. Preferably a mycologist would chime in to clarify if there are any molds that grow under those circumstances.

    My guess is that 1) there was a supply chain issue where the product wasn’t held at the right temp long enough for it to mold, then continued on its journey to a home freezer. Or 2) “Oops! I bought too many groceries and can’t fit everything in the freezer. I’ll just throw this box in the fridge (and proceed to forget it exists.)”