ProtectSystem is full, not strict. Otherwise seems fine
AuDHD cat. Warning: Do not feed pronouns, no matter how much it asks.
ProtectSystem is full, not strict. Otherwise seems fine
All these systemd options are documented in the man page, see
As the name implies, roughly a pager is a piece of software that helps the user get the output one page at a time, by getting the size of rows of the terminal and displaying that many lines.
The most popular pagers in a UNIX text environment are more and less. The latter is kind of a joke as less can actually do more then more.
Yea, make sure to journalctl -eu prunner
every time you restart it to check the logs
I tried setting it up myself, I was correct that MemoryDenyWriteExecute would be a problem.
I’ve made some changes between when I posted it and now (actually I just made a change, ProtectHostname) so make sure you get everything.
Btw, once these options are added, you can run systemd-analyze security prunner
to check which options haven’t been enabled (it doesn’t know if it should be enabled though. Add --no-pager if you want to copy it)
This is a list of things that could help harden, some of these I am not as sure about
PrivateTmp=true # Does prunner use tmp? Does ffmpeg use tmp?
PrivateMounts=true # prunner/ffmpeg shouldn't need to mount stuff anyways... right?
ProtectClock=true # prunner and ffmpeg do not need to set hardware clock
ProtectKernelTunables=true # "Few services need to write to these at runtime"
ProtectKernelModules=true # I don't see prunner/ffmpeg needing to mod_probe
ProtectKernelLogs=true # prunner/ffmpeg do not need to write to dmesg
ProtectControlGroups=true # Not a container manager
ProtectProc=invisible # Keep an eye out
RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6 # Other socket types are rare
LockPersonality=true # prunner/ffmpeg shouldn't need to change personality?
#MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true # Wait, prunner is a JS app isn't it? Hoping no JIT is needed **EDIT**: Yes, this is a problem
RestrictSUIDSGID=true # No privilege elevation
RestrictNamespaces=true # ffmpeg does not need namespaces
SystemCallArchitectures=native # hardens other options
ProtectHostname=true # Actually, seems like it might not be a problem. Hostname is "copied from callers namespace"
# Not setting:
# PrivateUsers=true # Meh. Problem I had with it in bind should not be the case here. If you feel like it, try it out.
# SystemCallFilter # Can't be bothered to go through the list
# ProcSubset=pid # Kernel APIs, not sure if ffmpeg needs them
# PrivateDevices=true # afraid ffmpeg needs it
# RestrictRealtime=true # prunner sets the niceness of ffmpeg
With ProtectSystem=strict you also need ReadWritePaths=/srv/prunner
, WorkingDirectory is not excluded from being read-only.
I could recommend a lot of stuff.
Why can’t this be “strict”? What directories does prunner need to write to?
If it’s just WorkingDirectory, a ReadWritePaths=/srv/prunner
is all that is needed.
Edit: If anyone want’s to actually run this, I can help you harden the systemd service.
I guess if I went with them anyways, I should make sure to keep backups. Luckily since I plan on using nixos, setting up a new instance would be rather easy.
They have? I’ve been thinking about getting a vps with them, maybe I should look for some other.
If you add the ReadWritePaths I told you to