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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • How bout the poor people that relay on their cars to live and also have little to begin with. They suffer just as much as any others but go on on your fucking high horse im sure those who live in 3rd world countries really effected by climate change are sooooo thankful they have a shitstain like you cheering for the struggle of other working class individuals, you unemphatic virtue signaling sack of shit. The corporations that actually contribute the majority to climate change sure love shitheads like you.

  • I think most people simply don’t appreciate what having a child is and what a massive responsibility it is. Bringing another human being into this world is a gift, one that you should be expected to nurture and love no matter what.

    The problem is that many believe that a child is simply an extension of oneself and can be manipulated and contorted into whatever the parent wants. A child is not you, a child is not a free workforce, or laborer. Too many people who do not truly understand what they are bringing into this world are parents and thats why theres so many flawed individuals.

    I think most people shouldnt have children and especially right now with the way the worlds headed but to say having children is completely wrong is immensely stupid.

    (in addition i myself am abstaining from having children because i dont want the responsibility and i find the lil shits annoying.)