More bad news for investors pouring hundreds of billions into AI companies like OpenAI, and wishing and hoping for moats.
Global banks will cut as many as 200,000 jobs in the next three to five years as artificial intelligence encroaches on tasks currently carried out by human workers, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.
I wonder when all this will become a major issue for voters in developed countries?
Chinese space technology tends to get very under reported in western media, but this guy is an excellent source.
30% of global electricity was from renewables in 2024. It’s already cheaper than most other sources, and keeps getting cheaper.
I’ve always wondered, if decades in the future, a terrorist attack might occur by somebody nudging an asteroid towards Earth. I’m not the only person thinking this, it was a major plot point in the TV show ‘The Expanse’.
I wonder if fusion powers true usefulness will be when humans are in space? Because you are correct in saying renewables will probably be enough to supply all our needs and more by the 2030s.
We are used to the idea of drugs being recreationally misused, I wonder will that ever happen to tech like this?
That behavior among “advanced” species has always been forward as one solution to the Fermi Paradox.
I am no expert in any of this, but why do you think it couldn’t work at scale? This company says their tech has advantages in cheapness and efficiency over existing solutions. What is it about what they are doing that will not scale?
The ‘Dark Enlightenment’ is a popular concept among some of America’s technology elite, such as Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. It thinks democracy is a failure, and should be replaced by right-wing authoritarianism, preferably led by a dictator or monarch. For obvious reasons, it’s enjoying an ascendancy.
A key idea in Dark Enlightenment thinking is the establishment of hundreds or even thousands of city-state enclaves, the equal of sovereign nations, that could then outnumber the old countries and predominate in a new world order of governance.
Prospera in Honduras is one of the first attempts at making this dream/nightmare (pick according to your political persuasion) come true. Now that the people behind Dark Enlightenment thinking have their hands on the levers of power in the US, it won’t be surprising if there are expanded attempts to set up new libertarian city-states around the world.
Reminds me of Westworld too.
There’s an incredible amount of groupthink in American tech. As OpenAI has been anointed the unicorn that will conquer tech, and like Microsoft & Google before it, come to be worth trillions - it must succeed.
So the narrative goes anyway.
Except every step of the way it isn’t happening. Yet again, OpenAI has failed to live up to expectations, and worse, Open-Source AI does everything it does, but for free.
They specifically mention the medical uses in the article, though I am far from trusting any of the big tech companies.
I am glad the EU is at least trying to do something. The American government looks like it has been thoroughly captured by Big Tech, nothing that will be done in the next four years to rein them in.
I know they are doing this for good, I can’t help feeling a little horrified. I am sure there are some very bad uses for this in future autocracies and police states.
I’m fascinated by BYD. They seem to be pointing to the future of cars - cheap, electric & self-driving. And unless the rest of the world catches up, increasingly ‘Made in China.’
There is so much to worry about with AI, that we often lose sight of the benefits. It’s entirely understandable. American Big Tech’s increasing embrace of Orwellian Authoritarianism is adding to the AI nightmare fuel.
But there is good news too, and this is a demonstration of it.
I wonder how soon the day will be that we discover evidence of oxygen on an exoplanet? It would be a very strong indicator of carbon-based life.
Wow, looks like I was just ahead of the actual news …
Yes, I think that is what the problem is here. Some people used to have the idea that more scaling would be enough for reasoning to appear, but that hasn’t happened.