Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2025


  • I don’t think it counts as “nobody watching” since many people saw it technically, but I will often pull over to ask if people on the side of the highway need help as long as I’m not running late for something.

    I helped a Hispanic guy recently change his tire since he apparently misplaced his lug nut wrench and he had a blowout. I let him use mine and I topped off the air in his spare that was a little low. Took me a little while to figure out what he needed since he didn’t speak a word of English and I failed Spanish 3 times, but we got there using Google translate, hand signals and grunts haha.

    I do it because I hope that if one day I was stranded on the side of the road (and somehow without all the tools I always carry around) that someone would be nice enough to stop and offer assistance.

    Be the change you want to see in the world n all that.

  • The brightness is one thing but also the alignment. These people install new headlights or the manufacturers just do not adjust the lights alignment correctly at all.

    I installed entire new headlight assemblies in my car upgrading from weak stock crap bulbs to LEDs with running lights, but I FUCKING ADJUSTED THEM afterwards.

    If I am ~50 feet from a wall there is a hard line where the top of my lights do not shine. That line is purposely placed so it won’t shine until cars in front of me unless I am every far away from them or there is an elevation difference. Sitting behind a car at the lights my lights will cut off generally right below the top of the trunk of most sedan models.

    I have never seen a headlight that could not be adjusted up and down with a little screw. Maybe the newest cars need an app or something stupid but I would be willing to bet they can also be adjusted.

  • You people are lost. It’s only a matter of time before one of you gets hurt or killed because you’re defacing private property.

    You have absolutely no clue what their political beliefs are simply from the car they own. Half the Tesla’s I see every day during my commute have “anti Elon Tesla club” stickers on them. Some have stickers that say “I bought this before he lost his mind” or some other variation.

    I can guarantee you there are Tesla drivers out there right now that have no love for Elon but don’t have any identifiable stuff plastered all over their car. By vandalizing their car you’re just more likely to turn those people against you.

    I don’t drive a Tesla and I think Elon is a huge twat, but I think your plans on vandalizing random peoples stuff who you have no idea about is ludicrously insane behavior.