If I can get a taler every time someone gets a dollar
Can you elaborate?
Well, now I won’t buy a switch oled. Unsympathetic company
When you hold meta (windows key) on keyboard and click anywhere in the window and hold mouse button, you can move the window around
Can’t you right click => maximize on the task in taskbar? Or meta + page up on keyboard
GCompris is the reason I got kids. They will be old enough soon
though I live close to Nürnberg, my wife will think I’m crazy if I go to that 😅 😘
is there a way to watch yesterdays talks?
Gentoo because it can do it all
I always keep memtest86+ in my grub in case I (rarely) need it
So some random new game is enough for you to change your whole operating system?
I see what you mean, all their docker compose examples are horrible. not one simple deployment, like they want to make it as complicated as possible
thanks for the insight!
I’m running latest version of normal owncloud in a docker container. Is there any advantage in using infinite scale oc? Not sure what the difference actually is