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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • She was able to work, for free, in her freshman summer, while going through for a finance degree. So many questions:

    Where did the money come from? Who paid her tuition?

    Why not go through for Co-op, where you obtain a job as part of schooling? Or why did she have to hunt for internships? Even my wife, who had unpaid internships and family to back her up during the same time, had help from the school to find it. How jank is U of Texas?

    Why, pray tell, is a finance degree holder the CMO?

    I mean, I’m happy for her, but how useful is her recommendations? If you don’t have a family who can pay your tuition and summer living costs, this is useless.

    And ignoring how people need money in order to have shelter and food, what does she think happe s if everyone starts doing this? Should I be calling up everyone at SquareSpace and asking for a job?

  • The closest I could think about was Economists speaking out about Reaganomics. I also couldn’t find anything exactly like this, however I did find Bush Sr. Calling it voodoo economics and Democrats actually are credited in some cases as calling it Trickle Down economics as a negative. Even Gerald Ford attacked it, which is something coming from the guy who pardoned Nixon.

    I found some criticism from Martin Feldstein in 1986 about the strength of supply side economics and some “extremists”, though that was after the fact.

  • Hard to say, you could be right. That’s where I’m less sure. I’ve had jobs where a (not direct manager) boss thinks I do less than I do, and more than I do.

    The ones who believed I did less believed they did more than me regardless of what my manager reported or actual work done. The ones who believed more consistently didn’t hand me work and I eventually would leave.

    One job I had different people who disagreed about the actual amount of work I did based on if I was at my desk vs the amount of awards I had vs my lunch breaks vs my extra work projects. I’d have feedback sessions with my manager about burnout but also if I was taking too long for lunch and going home too early.

    What I’m saying is I think people are terrible at assessing subordinates work.