Man Trump is such a fuck up. I thought they already put a pause on these tariffs? I can’t tell anymore because this dumbass goes with the wind. America is so cooked!
Man Trump is such a fuck up. I thought they already put a pause on these tariffs? I can’t tell anymore because this dumbass goes with the wind. America is so cooked!
Crazy to think defending yourself is something worthy of a ban, but here we are. Fuck 'em I guess. They won’t make money off of me and I won’t post to their communities. Sounds like a lose/lose situation for them.
Blessed be our saint Luigi!
Growing up on the late '90s - '00s internet, I loved the rough edges of it. There is charm in jank.
I first saw the writing on the wall when they started blocking API access for 3rd party apps. Rif was such an awesome app for mobile. I stomached it because the community was the main draw, but not anymore. Banning folks for updoots is way way way too aggressive.
Yup, been on Reddit for 14 years and it’s now unusable. I deleted my account and won’t go back again. I know the population here isn’t even close to reddit, but I see reddit refugees coming over eventually. If I can’t share my thoughts on a platform what is the point of using it?
This same thing happened to me twice in one week. I haven’t had a ban on my account in 14 years. I’ve given up on Reddit and just deleted my account. Fuck them if they want to treat us like we’re children. I won’t use their platform again.
Did Donald Trump voters expect a handout from the federal government? Man, us Americans have to be one of the dumbest groups of people on the planet. So much stupid. I hate it here.
Apparently you can get Narcan from weed shops too. My father told me he scored some for free when he went a few days ago. I don’t know why he got it, because he doesn’t use opioids, but I guess it’s good to have on hand in case someone else needs it.
I like the cut of your jib!
And I’ve been boycotting Goya ever since.
😂 what a waste. I doubt this even moves the needle on public perception. Rednecks aren’t buying these things only well off urban Republicans. I can’t think many leftists give a shit about these things. They may be fast, but they have no class.
🤣 you don’t know anything about me. If I have no retirement to look forward to I have nothing to lose. I know I’m not alone in that sentiment too.
Just because you’re a pussy doesn’t mean everyone else is.
Well that person sniffed the shit stained chair of Andrew Tate out of admiration, so that should tell you all you need to know about them.
Sounds like government waste to me.
🤣 good luck reddit. I’m not coming back!
I’ve been using Boost and it’s quite a bit like rif. I adored rif, the best interface for reddit on mobile. Boost is already way better than the official reddit app, that thing is terrible and full of bugs galore.
I didn’t do much, but I did tell the admins they’re useless pieces of human garbage and I can’t wait for that platform to go under. I was terminally addicted to reddit and was on it probably 8 hours a day. They’ll start noticing when a large chunk of their population drops off for other networks. I don’t really care if they know I left or not. I left because of my own reasons.
I know some folks that can fashion a guillotine!
Full stop!