That could sort of explain why it’s inherently impossible to determine the center - but that doesn’t rule out the existence of a geometric center of the universe, right?
That could sort of explain why it’s inherently impossible to determine the center - but that doesn’t rule out the existence of a geometric center of the universe, right?
I’m not sure if I follow the balloon analogy. Sure, you can’t find the center on it’s surface. But somewhere within the balloon, there is a center. It might be virtually impossible to determine the center while actively inflating the balloon, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any center? What makes the rest of the universe fundamentally different from an inflating balloon? I’m genuinely curious.
Shouldn’t it be (at least theoretically) possible to find some sort of geometric center where - on average - the rest of the universe is expanding away from?
Yeah, but it’ll be a random family member - not necessarily a woman or LGBTQ+.
I much prefer him privately fuming rather than publicly fuming.
So how do I go about finding some of these soon-to-be-banned posts? I want my old Reddit account to be part of the statistics 😁
I very much appreciate the effort to write your repsonse, and if you’re out of time or energy I completely understand.
So if I’m understanding you right, we’re 3-dimensional creatures living in a 4-dimensional universe, with the 4th dimension being… time? And time behaves completely different from the other 3 dimensions, which is why we can’t just disregard or freeze it when trying to determine a center?