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Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2024


  • You keep getting off topic because I don’t care about your pet topic.

    I don’t care, even a little about myanmars genocide. Or the genocide in sudan. Or whatever Russia is doing or whatever gobbledyfuck the third, the warlord of east genovia is doing to puppies and children.

    Maybe if I hadn’t struggled my entire life while watching people get dumped by the US government, sent to the ME to do war crimes, and luckily come back home only to kill themselves after they learned how pointless their sacrifice was, may e id care about your pet topic of a sovereign country that is not us and is not funded by us invade another country that again is not us.

    Maybe if I hadn’t watched multiple of my family members die of preventable diseases thanks to not having access to healthcare even after “Obamacare” supposedly solved that problem, id care enough about your pet topic to support sending billions to be wasted on yet another war.

    I haven’t been to a doctor in my adult life. Id love to go, but the copay on my free insurance is half a weeks pay, before any tests. Id love to spend that but I’ve never paid less than half my monthly wage in rent. The money isn’t there for me to give a fuck anymore. We spent 20trillion on Afghanistan and Iraq, theyre same shit holes they were, with a couple million fewer civilians and more birth defects per capita than anywhere else in the world.

    Your pet topic wouldnt end any differently.

  • basmatii@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlMeema said F everybody else!
    38 minutes ago

    You don’t delay the bad. Homelessness rose faster under Obama and Biden than bush or trump. Not that the latter two were better in any meaningful way, just the facts as they are. Voting democrat does nothing, voting Republican does nothing. It will always just end up with you worse off. Sometimes, randomly, sooner, sometimes later. If it were as easy as vote Dems to slow down the bad, things wouldn’t have degraded for so many so badly that Trump was considered a good candidate to them.

  • A generic war isn’t genocide, and you people don’t get to coopt the word genocide just because Israel took away your spotlight.

    More over… It’s not our problem. We are not the world police. We suck at that job, given we tend to kill 10-20x more civil loans than whoever were supposedly there to kill.

    Yeah it sucks Ukraine is getting invaded again it did that a thousand times before I was born it’ll do that a thousand more times at least after I die. You know what also sucks? Homelessness exclusively due to corporate greed. The former we can’t solve, the latter we can and should before temporarily stopping a different country from invading yet another different country.

  • Yeah, you. Why does Russia want trump in office? To leave them the fuck alone. Why does Russia openly want a weaker US? The same reason 140+ countries want a weaker US, so they get left the fuck alone.

    The US has conducted hostile military operations in over 100countries over the last 30 years without declaring war once. If Russia did that, we’d nuke them. Fuck MAD, we’d go for the nuke regardless at that point.

    Everyone outside the EU wants a weaker US for one specific reason. It’s not our " freedom" or way of life or capitalism (ok a lil bit of it is capitalism) it’s the fact we are the most belligerent country to have ever existed in human history.

    You’re not special; Ivan wankenstainofsky doesn’t give a shit about you or anything you have ever done or will ever do. They want the US government to stop playing world police just because the American populace is too stupid to stop their own government.

  • Just a reminder homelessness is at the highest it’s been since the great depression, bridges are literally collapsing across the US, we still don’t have universal health care despite already paying enough in healthcare taxes to fully cover all US citizens and residents, we still don’t have free public college, minimum wage now cannot rent a 1 bedroom apartment anywhere in the country, and credit card debt is the highest it’s ever been by any measure.

    But Israel somehow comes before all of that because …