In a life before a TBI and subsequent seizure condition robbed me of a functioning brain, I actually ran the IT dept for a company which I worked for as a mech eng, estimator, designer, and project manager. This one gentleman who was a field super and his wife had been trying for years to have a child. They finally did after many miscarriages and rough times, and as you can imagine, they took so many pictures of their baby. He called me one day in a panic about his computer and so I rushed over to his house. Long story short, his HDD had suffered a major crash for whatever reason, and everything was gone. No backups of his baby pictures, nothing. I sent the HDD off to see what could be recovered, but apparently it everything was toast.
Even tho it wasn’t my pictures, it hurt me to my core, that all these pictures and memories this man and his wife had accumulated, were gone forever. It really did a number on me and I think about it from time to time even tho that has been decades ago.
Make backups folks. It might take you the better part of a Saturday afternoon to get everything backed up and secure, but do it anyways.
Love tailscale. The only issue I had with it is making it play nice with my local, daily driver VPN. Got it worked out tho. So, now everything is jippity jippity.