If they draft me I am throwing the first grenade I see directly at the nearest officer
If they draft me I am throwing the first grenade I see directly at the nearest officer
I’m honestly so thankful for his rally to restore sanity, it really did work
I threw dozens of the little round smokebomb fireworks into the beds of passing pickup trucks and then hid in the bushes with my other feckless little shithead friends, thirty years ago
letting the manager know ahead of time that they’re going to have to come out front
Yeah I don’t disagree people should be organizing in person I just thought posing it as cowardice to not do so was a little bit over the top. I’m neutral on whether FOIA-ing this silly shitposting website was bad or good.
I’m a public-facing member of an org. Everyone else in this website would be too if they weren’t cowards.
watch out, we got a badass here
I think “the CIA/Pentagon encourage and feed UFO kooks false information to protect top secret aircraft programs” is the kind of thing no President is going to announce publicly
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I sense a disturbance in the farce
The imperial core will never have a revolution until after (probably long after) the empire has fully collapsed in on itself.
Harleys Teslas don’t leak, they mark their spot
how in the world does it get in the way?