just a weird little guy

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Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2022年10月17日


  • You should try understanding where the other person is coming from before accusing them of being brainwashed by their government.

    Have you ever looked at the so-called Political Compass? There’s a ‘left to right’ axis and an ‘authoritarian to libertarian’ axis https://www.politicalcompass.org/ So you can be authoritarian and leftist according to them (there is a hidden bias in the test, towards libertarian socialism)

    I’m not even saying that, I’m coming at this from more of a ‘post-left anarchist’ perspective, that there is no ‘leftism’ as such but what is left or right is a relative historical development, so otherwise contradictory movements end up being lumped together as ‘leftists’ by historical accident, but they still end up influencing each other, so for example marxism has historically influenced anarchism and vise versa.

    You’re saying there is some ahistorical ‘true’ leftism that’s objective and indistinguishable from anarchism. You can also just say “anarchism is cool” and I would agree with you and we can not have this pointless argument. see also no true scotsman fallacy

  • you seem like a nice person, i get that you misunderstood what i said at first. now you’re really committing to arguing with me

    Leftism is cooperative and anti-hierarchy

    well, no not really, that’s anarchism, which is historically a small part of leftism, sometimes there are no anarchists in a leftist movement.

    “Leftism” historically has all kinds of hierarchies, Marx, Lenin, Castro, all very hierarchical. You can say they are not real Leftists. Personally I would not say that Marxists Aren’t Leftists, that seems incorrect to me. I have lots of disagreements with Marxists but they are part of “the Left” whether we like it or not.

    The Jacobins, who were the first group of people to be called “Leftists”, were ultra hierarchical and dictatorial. There’s a funny story about the Origin of the terms ‘left’ and ‘right wing’: during the french revolution the National Assembly would meet in this big room, the allied delegates would naturally sit together. Some sat on the Left side, others sat on the Right side. That’s it, that’s the the origin, there’s no innate essence to leftism, it’s certainly not some trans historical entity.