Programming and reading.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • When everything closes, are you sure that’s the lock screen and not the login screen? It sounds like cinnamon is crashing, which means you’re automatically switched back to the display manager (login screen). This can sometimes show the boot logo while it’s switching, happens on my laptop as well, noy sure why that is. If it is crashing, you might find the cause in the logs, run journalctl -e and dmesg to check for errors

  • You can set the initial value directly in /etc/environment, did you check that? It could also be set only for your user, so it might be in ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile` (or the rc file for your shell if you’re not using the default bash).

    Edit: I suppose you could also have added a startup script in /etc/init/ or /etc/init.d/, or in /etc/rc.local