priorities, but you know how OnlyFans creators be posting to own the discourses #nowplaying

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


    1. metacognitive myopia explained why people didn’t/couldn’t update their beliefs about the existence of “weapons of mass destruction etc”.
    2. dogwhistling the threat of sexual revolution “comrade kamala” (i.e., he’s implying hypocrisy when he doesn’t understand what lenin’s use of the term “prostitute” meant).
    3. playing the fool until you can’t (i.e., making his base feel insightful and “seen” as playfully serious, homophilically/mimetically charismatic; e.g., his base feels like their inference-making is being promoted based on linguistic sympathy through the aura of charisma).
    4. from (3) somewhere in his administration they’re letting the would-be “fool” base do the grunt-work and creating cover; see “Optimal Team Formation Under Asymmetric Information”.

  • as someone who observes the interests of theology that has crossed disciplines with computer science, i should only speak from that regard, than as a web developer who puts a dog in the fight of competing styles, insofar as the styles bear ontological commitments. though, obviously the web is suffering in quality due to these dogmatic “software” “engineering” practices, it must be said. there’s a wider tendency to advance metaphors which make certain paradigms more attractive to some developers than others based on philosophical prejudices coming from having accepted aristotle’s agrilogistic axioms (law of noncontradiction, metaphysics of presence, essentialism). computer science is fundamentally ontotheological, not accidental, and engineers who follow martin are committed to a politicization of the object as more real than what objects are about. their style fails to purposefully and meaningfully ground fundamentally distributed applications, necessarily. someone might contrast martin against authors like brian cantwell smith, to see the orientation from which i speak.

    greater still, we’re seeing the outcome of what seems like decades of uncritical adoption of practices, what seems more like political movement than properly philosophical argumentation, everywhere in c.s. and wider applications of it.

  • the quantum level of description is a luxury:

    Conscious intentional communication, which we perhaps too hastily attribute to human beings as a mark of distinction, becomes a limited domain, the only domain where the distinction between desirable and ‘spurious’ uncertainty pertains. We may have to concede that the centrality of human communication, understood as a semantic and culturally saturated information system is, at least in principle, neither the first system in which information processes occur, nor necessarily the most efficient.

  • “Don’t for heaven’s sake, be afraid of talking nonsense! But you must pay attention to your nonsense.” - ludwig wittgenstein

    no, you just lack training in any intellectual discipline worthy of comment. you’ve got nothing but a racist “protest psychosis” to wield like a cudgel. you’re using jargon medical terms to force your wit around. you’ve got nothing worthwhile to discuss; or what you’re doing is you’re attempting to undermine the legitimacy of this entire subcommunity by pulling on heartstrings to get readership to associate mental illness with outstanding claims, while writing in a personable style with anecdotal associations.

    paid protesting is a thing. we have every reason to assume it here-now in 2023. other than that, schizophrenia is clinically indistinguishable from autism even to trained physicians. you’re acting like you’re doing anybody a favor by pretending to show such cheap care like your words originate from a sincere place. you’re just kicking tires.