• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Finally!

    Do have any idea how hard it is to make shitty joke, and then for people to take you seriously, and so you commit more to it and dig deeper with wilder and more outlandish statements, hoping that someone - anyone - would realise the farce… only for time to tick on, and it dawns on you that people took you at face value, and that you will forever be labeled as an idiot and not as a joker.

    You have redeemed my faith in others good sir, and I wholeheartedly concede that this was all nothing but a fools gambit contrived by a bored giggling moron one lazy afternoon.

  • It did use to be when rent was low and tenants had stronger rights. When things broke, you’d have to fix it yourself or hire someone to do it. When a tenant was making everyone else in the building feel unsafe it was up to you to drag them out.

    When rent went up and tenants rights were thrown out of the window, it became easy street. You hire someone to take care of it all, and sip your coffee in the morning.

    It genuinely used to be a high risk, low reward venture. The shortage of housing skyrocketed it into an occupation for rich dullards to sit on their ass all day.

  • Yup, or even a simple notify-send. Trying to work out which environment variables are needed to get the damn thing to focus on the window in question which may or may not be an X11 window within Wayland. The magic formula I’ve learned so far:

    DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/$(id -i)/bus" \
    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u) \ 
    XAUTH=$(ps aux | grep "/usr/bin/Xwayland :0 -auth" \
           | grep -v grep | sed -r 's|.*-auth ([^ ]*).*$|\1|') \
    DISPLAY=:0 \
    XAUTHORITY=$XAUTH  <finally your command here>

    (oh and sometimes you might need to preface that all with a sudo, oh and there’s no guarantee that the Display is at :0, even if no other display is in use). Eaaazyyy peaaaazyyy

    I will say that wtype is the one wayland automation tool that does not need any preamble. It just works out of the box, genuinely good engineering by the developers on that project.