My active account is @thayerw.

@thayer is inactive and no longer monitored; it remains only for the sake of post history.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Thanks for clarifying, and I can appreciate your overall concerns as I face the same dilemma with my aging relatives.

    Just to confirm, have you opened these files in Word yourself (or witnessed them being opened), to verify they are in fact valid documents? if valid, are they meant to be in English?

    It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen “other” files renamed with an incorrect file extension.

  • Assuming you meant “.docx files”, those should open without issue in LibreOffice. As others have said, OnlyOffice is another popular option if format preservation is a goal.

    What do you mean when you say the files are “not supported” by the tools you’ve tried? What, exactly, is happening and what are you trying to accomplish? The end goal wasn’t clear to me from your post.

    Getting Word to run under wine will require much more effort than copying the Word binary.

  • Sure, like I said above, GOS doesn’t at all prevent you from rooting the device. They only discourage it from a security point of view. Regarding MicroG, I’ve never had need for it myself but I’ve read many other posts over the years from users who have installed it on GOS in lieu of Graphene’s own implementation.

    I would argue that overall GrapheneOS provides more control over the OS than some other Android-based operating systems.

  • thayer@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSome hardware talk
    1 month ago

    Amazon typically has a few vendors that specialize in refurbished Optiplexes and/or HP Elites in small or ultra small form factor sizes.

    A word of caution about these refurbs though…the memory and storage they include are often dollar store brands (Kingfast) that I wouldn’t even trust for a child’s PC. It’s worth purchasing your own after the fact.

  • thayer@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSome hardware talk
    1 month ago

    Your options will depend on many things…

    • How much storage is needed?
    • Is RAID important to you?
    • Is power usage a concern?
    • Noise level?

    I don’t know how demanding photoprism is, but you could probably do fine with a refurbished i5/i7 Dell Optiplex or similar, with one or more SSDs added to it. If money is really tight and storage needs are high, you could go with mechanical drives instead.

    The problem with enterprise servers is that are generally very loud and use a lot of power…not unlike adding a second refrigerator to your environment. In my opinion, they’re not worth it unless you have a specific use case (training for a career, etc.).

  • thayer@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlTrying to rescue a 1GB RAM laptop
    2 months ago

    If that’s one of those old 10" netbooks, I had good experiences running dwm and xmonad on mine back in the day (had an Acer and later an MSI Wind U120(?)). Typically ran all my apps maximized, one per desktop. Firefox did okay, but this was around 2010-2012. Mostly stuck with terminal apps and it was more than snappy enough.

    Some screenshots from days past…

  • thayer@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHomelab Organization
    3 months ago

    I write everything in markdown, and I mean just about everything. Tech notes, recipes, work procedures, shopping lists…everything. If you check my comment history from today, you can see a quick example of the kind of tech notes I keep (firewalld in this case).

    I keep all of my plain text files synced across multiple devices using Syncthing. For desktop editors, I use mostly vim and VSCodium (though Kate is nice too), and I use Markor on Android. This workflow has been highly efficient for many years now, and I no longer waste time constantly reviewing the latest note-taking app.

  • thayer@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlCan you help me with firewalld?
    3 months ago

    I can’t provide specific advice for tailscale, but I can share my notes for my own use case, which is for PCs that are safely behind the home firewall. You’d want to adjust your ssh/smb settings accordingly. You shouldn’t need any rules for ProtonVPN, as you’re likely just trying to block incoming connections, not outbound.

    It’s my understanding that Fedora opens ports 1025-65535/tcp and 1025-65535/udp by default.

    To lock down to sane defaults (--permanent saves the settings directly, avoiding the need to run firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent separately):

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-port=1025-65535/tcp
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-port=1025-65535/udp
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=27031/udp  # steam remote play
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=27036/udp  # steam remote play
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=27036/tcp  # steam remote play
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=27037/tcp  # steam remote play

    Ensure that ssh and samba-client are listed as allowed services too (sudo firewall-cmd --list-all).

    • Firewalld must be reloaded before rule changes will take effect: firewall-cmd --reload
    • Changes will reset upon reboot unless made persistent by using --permanent or by committing all changes with --runtime-to-permanent

    Common commands:

    sudo systemctl enable --now firewalld   # enable and start firewalld service
    sudo systemctl disable firewalld
    sudo systemctl stop firewalld
    sudo firewall-cmd --state               # show running state of firewalld
    sudo firewall-cmd --get-active-zones    # list active zones
    sudo firewall-cmd --get-zones           # list all zones
    sudo firewall-cmd --get-default-zone    # list default zone
    sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports          # list allowed ports in current zone
    sudo firewall-cmd --list-all            # list all settings
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload              # reload firewall rules to activate any rule modifications

    Add/remove ports, services, IPs:

    sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=port-number/port-type      # allow incoming port  (tcp,udp,sctp,dccp)
    sudo firewall-cmd --remove-port=port-number/port-type   # block incoming port
    sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=<service-name>          # allow incoming service (see /etc/services)
    sudo firewall-cmd --remove-service=<service-name>       # block incoming service (see /etc/services)
    sudo firewall-cmd --add-source= (or    # whitelist incoming IP or IP range
    sudo firewall-cmd --remove-source= (or # remove whitelisted IP or IP range

    Block an IP or IP range (rich rules):

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' reject"
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' reject"

    Whitelist IP for specific port (rich rule):

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="3306" accept'

    Removing a Rich Rule

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="3306" accept'