What is the meaning of “sensing” in this context? Seems odd to me to use this word with a satellite? (Right, english is not my native language ;) )
What is the meaning of “sensing” in this context? Seems odd to me to use this word with a satellite? (Right, english is not my native language ;) )
Wow. I have bo idea where to start with this one:
The fedditverse is not about americans, leftists are not all-including and whoever believes that has not understood politics in the slightest way. The conservative in the USA destroys everything outside their scope right now and a lot of history is being rewritten, for example the shit that went down on the 6th of January 24.
I read a lot of uninformed bias in this post and i am not surprised you feel attacked a lot. I bet you are, and rightfully so, because this is fox news level uninformed stuff you call knowledge here.
thank you for the explanation!!
What is a cross-gender?
This is not my native language, can someone put it in a eli5?
That is supposed to be “world news”?
Whats next, a stolen bucket of water in some shittown in Idaho? A sack of rice that fell over in China?
Thank you!
Thanks, get it now.
So, Elon doesnt know this and thinks that multiple uses of SSN is a proof of a fraud when in reality it is just a sign for a bad system that is not used as intended or not designed as it is needed?
Thanks for (starting to) explain this concept to people not accustomed to how the US does their shit.
See, where i live, we used to have for example a Tax-Number. That was a thing the taxdepartment used to identify a person. But if you move from city a to city b, that numbers changes. So if you move a lot, you will have numerous of these.
Now, some 15 years back, the Tax-ID was introduced (fellow residents at this point will lnow it might be Germany) and this number is a one-in-a-kind ID that will only be assigned to you. They create it shortly after birth. My sons first registraion ID was this, before anyrhing else. You will also get a uniqie healthcare-ID that also works like that.
So…how does that work in the US and why is habing a changing number that is not unique helpful? Or what is Elon not getting? I dont get it either because I dont know how this works for you.
Thanks in advance to shed light on this.
So, plus 10% would mean what? There is a 10% net-migration of the countries population towards the US… per what? Month? Decade? Minute? I wished more graphs where self-explanatory . This one isnt.
If someone has the answer to what this is actually supposed to mean, would be cool if it got posted.
How to get me to block your account with one simple trick: post utter bs like that
Are the same that burn crosses
Jeez. Rotations like that exist in “Western Countries” since what, 50 years? 60? That’s not new and the “surprise” here shows that you, dear poster, must be new to the game.
Anyhow, where i live and work (somewhere in Germany) you get paid extra for night and extra extra if shift is during the night on a week end.
Is that shit nice? Ok, no. Does it pay? Fuck, yes. All of my colleagues doing this since 20ish years bitch BUT have a house, two cars, fly to vacations to turkey and shit.
Your learning?
Accept, that this shit exists and will always exist.
Unionize. Have companies pay you fairly for what you do.
Stop whining. As long as you whine, you are a victim. Victims dont act or unionize or take things into their hands. Victims cry, roll on their tears and get fucked. THATS what companies like, cause you’re easy to deal with.
And, uh, with this Electric Cracker Furnace, we…uh… Bake Crackers?
Have the Canadians apologized yet for theit Building standing in the way?
Kollege, die ist ein englischsprachiger unter. :D
“NoW tRy DoInG a TuRkEy In 10 MiNuTeS!”
Lots of stuff can be cooked in short times and the mere existence of food that is more complicated is no argument against this. Try again. :p
And making a simple cheese sauce takes you the time that the pasta cooks.
Heat broth or milk or both slowly in a pot. Shredd cheese (i like a mix of bluecheese and swiss) and add. Stirr until solved. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, a dash of white wine. Either use potatoe-starch to thicken or use enough cheese to have it be thick by itself.
Takes you 10 mins tops.
So, what do we learn of this? I mean, if we hadnt done so before?
Nothing Trump says is worth anything.
He will contradict himself many times and deny it was different in the past. His voters dont understand, care, remember or all three.
Its lies, bullshit, bullying, more lies.
How do you ever justify that a president behaves like this??