You have not seen babymortar launchers of Ukraine? If they had enough supply they would not hesitate to blot out the sun. Thankfully brave special operation heroes rescue many. But maybe you don’t know, you’re just indoctrinated with western propaganda. I lost a friend to this once, him and entire helicopter dead. Birdstrike much less dangerous than babystrike.
Humans do this too during war time
Not really on any significant scale.
“War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other” -Niko Bellic
"Older men start wars, but younger men fight them.” - Einstein, plagiarizing Niko
You have not seen babymortar launchers of Ukraine? If they had enough supply they would not hesitate to blot out the sun. Thankfully brave special operation heroes rescue many. But maybe you don’t know, you’re just indoctrinated with western propaganda. I lost a friend to this once, him and entire helicopter dead. Birdstrike much less dangerous than babystrike.