Biden announced he’s ending his bid for the presidency via X (formerly twitter).
It’s finally over. Now get in someone who can beat Trump.
This is so incredibly reckless and foolish. Democrats just handed victory to Trump because they seem incapable of party unity. There is no better candidate waiting in the wings and Biden was polling very competitively against Trump.
Bernie 2024, even if he dies of a heart attack first day his appointments would change the country for good and I don’t trust any party politicians on Palestine.
I’m hoping for a Kamala/AOC ticket.
Seeing AOC oddly shill for Biden before he dropped out… which I’d expect from Pelosi, Schumer & Schiff, but not from her. She may actually be trying to get the VP spot.
Politics is about getting the things you want, not dunking on people that disagree with you on a couple of things. You gotta compromise with people to get what you want. People feel like being uncompromising is somehow admirable, but in politics it means you get nothing. MAGAs are uncompromising, and they get a lot of likes on social media for it, but they’ve accomplish exactly nothing after winning the House in 2022.
Biden has been good for the progressive wing of the party, and they may not get as good of a deal with Harris as they did with Biden. They will have to negotiate compromises with someone new and may not get as much.
So do you rather politicians compromising and getting something to benefit you, or grandstanding and accomplishing nothing except providing a small amount of entertainment for you?
Biden has seriously hurt the party. If they enthrone Kamala without doing some balanced process to have her debate or compete against anyone else, and she somehow beats Trump then… I fully expect Republicans to take the House & Senate because of the damage Biden did to the party.
Politics is about compromise. I fully agree with you on that. To get things passed, you actually have to call up Republicans and ask them if they’ll try to work with you and what their vision is, and what they’d like to do… and try to come to an agreement.
AOC has likely done the same here. She saw an opportunity to get something or to help progressives in some way, which required taking a backseat for a little while, but ultimately she’ll get something in return. I get it and understand that. It was just surprising.
The DNC & Clinton seriously damaged the Democrat party in 2016, and Biden has restored some consistency, but it shifted significantly the right after that. Lest not forget Biden gleefully supporting a genocidal maniac and sending weapons to kill thousands of children. Its pretty sad when Democrats argue that more children would have died under Trump, so that somehow makes it okay.
Or you could read her arguments, which were direct and pragmatic. She was talking about how difficult this would be logistically, and that it would have been better to do 6 months ago, you know, when the progressive wing of the party raised the issue.
AOC was “shilling” for some consistency, backbone and party unity out of a pragmatic need to beat back fascism. Now that this choice has been made, I’m betting she will continue with the same intent.
Biden was going to lose and he was making other Democrats lose. What did you expect the party to do, unite behind losing to Trump?
AOC was prob smart, saw Biden didn’t believe he was going to lose and saw an opportunity before it played out.
She just did the calculus that Biden was our best shot, due to a whole shitton of different factors from Biden’s support among elderly voters, union support, money raised, polls being pretty crap for a few cycles now, shit like that.
Now there will be logistical challenges, we have a lot of uncertainty ahead. She wanted to avoid that until we got some better answers.
Biden bros: No one has a plan if Biden drops out. Everyone else: Here is our plan. Biden bros still: No one has a plan if Biden drops out.
Plan was open convention where delegates decide.
Yes, that’s an excellent example of uncertainty.
What is better… knowing Biden would lose to Trump, or being uncertain who the delegates will choose before the convention?
Maybe she had better political acumen and knew he’d do better.
Maybe she saw an opportunity
Which is hilarious because Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff were all against Biden continuing in the race…
AOC understands politics and thinks things through, that’s it.
AOC has always been considered an outsider to Democrat leadership. She prob was thinking things through, but I don’t think it is because she thought Biden was going to win.
Biden endorsed Kamala. =)
Kamala has a similar approval rating to Biden. If he wasn’t viable, neither is she.
Biden wasn’t viable because he has cognitive decline. Kamala will mop the floor with Trump in debates.
Both candidates are experiencing decline, and if Biden were elected and incapable of doing the job it would have resulted in a Harris Presidency anyway. It’s such an odd thing to object over. We’ve had presidents in decline before and the country kept running just fine, (FDR, Reagan.)
Biden did a fine job in office, I’m especially proud of his union support, and his policies were spot on in my opinion. To throw him under the bus like this seems really shitty.
Good. So long Genocide Joe.
Edit: To the neoliberals downvoting this, this is what your denial is supporting. Joe Biden is pro-genocide and so is anyone who supports him. There’s not even a practical reason to support him at this point, which is very telling to anyone still defending him.
Fuck zionism. And fuck anyone who thinks Biden is a “good guy” or moral by any stretch of the word.
You must realize that just like Reddit, this sub is far left leaning. It’s pointless to post anything that goes against the echo chamber.
What happens now? Does the DNC pick a replacement or will they be holding a snap primary?
A new canidate will be picked during the DNC on 19-22 august.
Serious? I haven’t even had time to see that. That is the best decision they could have made.
If the DNC of the past is any indication, they’ll ignore voters and put up the most boring, uncompelling candidate they can.
Alternatively: they put up the most divisive and cringeworthy candidate they can.
I wanted AOC but her last few posts have been cringe. She’s divisive, but that could have worked in her favor. Prob. will be Kamala. I think they should have an open convention & let delegates decide though.
Any moment now, the ‘don’t vote for Biden’ group will be in here telling us not to vote for Harris. And if it isn’t Harris, they’ll tell us not to vote for whoever it is.
Anything but stop the dictator and his plan to commit genocide against Latinos and queer people.
I didn’t want to believe it but they’re already in the comments. We need to be vocal. Kamala is a great candidate.
If she she’s was a great candidate she would have been the candidate 4 years ago.
If you’d applied this logic to trump would have even posted this?
Wha… what? What does that even mean?
Dear god, please tell me this isn’t the best you people can come up with.
Funny that’s what I say when I hear Harris is gonna be the candidate.
She was on the ticket 4 years ago. She is VP. Now she’s on top. Kamala 2024!
I’m concerned you couldn’t grasp that by candidate we were talking about the Presidential candidate.
I understand. Kamala is going to president of the United States of America. And it’s going to be awesome.
How is she a good candidate? She stood against everything progressives stand for as a prosecutor and hasn’t apologized or clarified that she supports marijuana legalization, abolition of for-profit prisons, or disproportionately prosecuting minorities.
Are you new to the democratic party?
Let me ask you a question: Harris Or Trump?
Harris, 100% I was wrong about the statement. She evolved her stance and has grown.
What the fuck are you talking about? When she was running for president in 2019, she released detailed plans about how she would legalize marijuana, abolish private prisons, and reform the carceral system.
I get that you probably weren’t aware of her evolved stance on these things, but a single google search could have shown you that you were incorrect on every single point you made.
And I’m happy to be wrong about her evolved state. Thanks.
What the fuck are you talking about? When she was running for president in 2019, she released detailed plans about how she would legalize marijuana, abolish private prisons, and reform the carceral system.
Has she done those things? (I sincerely don’t know.)
I’ve heard that she’s revised her stances, but even in 2019 there was some question regarding the sincerity of her evolving viewpoints.
We’re likely to get 8 years of her if she wins, so I think it’s entirely reasonable to want her to affirm her stances in some of these areas. We won’t be able to move any further left than she allows. Sure, she’s not Trump, and I’m going to vote for her. It would be nice to have hope she’ll do more than just move right more slowly than Trump though.
She says very little, and nothing convincing, about some of the most serious charges against her, like that she fought hard to keep innocents in prison and failed to fight hard against corrupt cops.
If elected president, Harris seems as likely as any of her Democratic rivals, and far more likely than Donald Trump, to pursue a criminal-justice-reform agenda that overlaps with policies I favor as a civil libertarian. And I do not hold it against Harris that as a municipal and state official she enforced many laws that I regard as unjust. All the candidates now running for president will, if elected, preside over the enforcement of some laws that they and I regard as unjust.
But like her rivals, the reforms that Harris would sign into law as president would depend mostly on what Democrats in Congress could get to her desk. Far more important is how she would preside over a federal legal system and bureaucracy that is prone to frequent abuses. And her record casts significant doubts about whether she can be trusted to oversee federal law enforcement, the military, intelligence agencies, the detention of foreign prisoners, and more.
Harris “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.”
Notably, the figures dropped dramatically during Harris’ tenure, from 817 marijuana-related admissions in her first year in office to 137 in her last.
She laughed because it was funny and I’m tired of people telling me it’s not. 💥 🔫
She’s been a prosecutor, senator, and now VP. She has the experience. She can speak in complete sentences. She is a neo-liberal but that was a given. All Democratic candidates since Clinton have been neo-liberals. The idea that Kamala is anti-progressive is false.
Of course they are. They started when it was just rumored that Biden would drop out.
Of course they are. It’s infuriating. Even the “anyone but trump” idiots undermines confidence in Kamala.
I may be a weirdo, but I was on the “I’d consider not voting for Biden.” but I’m currently more interested in Harris. Nowhere near as bad of a track record as Biden had. From being racist, to supporting rapists getting into the Supreme Court, to backing massive removal of constitutional rights.
Harris’ record isn’t perfect, and while I’m in California, I don’t recall any bills she pushed/voted for as Senator that was anything as bad as the USA PATRIOT Act. I don’t like her record as our AG at all, but Senator is a different story.
If she picks a good VP pick, I’d be down. I’m wanting maybe Newsom, but that’s just he biggest Democrat I know, as he’s my Governor.
Edit: I don’t know how to make it clear: I live in California. If I voted for a ham sandwich for oresident it would have the same impact as voting for Biden. My state’s EC is clear and chosen, and popular vote doesn’t decide the president otherwise we’d never have Trump. I was considering going Greens, but I’m looking forward to Harris. Get mad at undecideds in Swing States and Trump supporters, not a registered Democrat in California.
you were considering not voting for Biden when Trump was the alternative?
A very common position among the lemmy crowd, unfortunately. I really don’t expect much to change either, just swap Harris for Biden in the hit pieces.
I don’t know how to make it clear: I live in California. If I voted for a ham sandwich for president it would have the same impact as voting for Biden. My state’s EC is clear and chosen, and popular vote doesn’t decide the president otherwise we’d never have Trump. I was considering going Greens, but I’m looking forward to Harris. Get mad at undecideds in Swing States and Trump supporters, not a registered Democrat in California.
CA still has republicans in congress so please still vote.
I’m trying to. I live in the district Kevin McCarthy was in. His replacement isn’t great. Our blanket primary was “Republican backed by Kevin and Trump” and “Republican backed by conservative think tanks and Trump staff”.
I’ve considered running for office using a form of leftist talks masked like Republican talking points. But an openly queer leftist in Republican territory won’t go well, unless I figure out what urn I want ahead of time.
Well keep on fighting. 😊