I’m not at all exaggerating when I say this. The bar is so incredibly, incomprehensibly low everywhere else that I’m about ready to call literally anyone who can join this community, be genuine, and still not get banned an actual saint.
And that’s no diss at the admins for being ban happy or whatever, that’s literally just how you create an online community full of good people and somehow Hexbear has been the first to realize it
The internet used to be packed with these. Then everything became 4 different giant websites.
Yes and in the process it made a handful of insufferable dorks impossibly rich.
Truly, a very bad thing happened. A modern tragedy.
It was a bad thing that made other things even worse. Web 2.0 and it’s consequences have been a disaster. The internet used to be genuinely a fun place. I’m not learned enough, but I don’t see why it can’t be done again behind the scenes of the scroll nightmare. Not like early 2000s websites were coding miracles. People may need to get over everything being s video to get off the YouTube but I can recall being considered a digimon prophet or having an uncle that worked at Nintendo digimon equivalent cause I browsed fansitesnin 2nd grade and drew digimon thst wouldn’t be on TV for mo ths cause fans it’s had Japanese episodes. Being internet learned was cool as hell
Who’d have thunk that banning chuds instead of the people calling them out would create a somewhat healthy community?
but what about
I don’t post much because I don’t have an email job and can’t sit on here all day but I love checking in on my internet commies who are also like 50x more trans than the global average.
If it wasn’t for this site I would be way more doomer and definitely still in the closet wondering why I’m depressed literally all the time.
I’m a cook, I just post on the shitter and smoke breaks and then stay up too late posting after.
Hexbear has quite literally saved my life before. Yall are the best and im never leaving.
You fools are stuck with me now.
I witnessed your creation (online). It made me want to improve so i can maybe create something of my own eventually. I hope it is going well for you! Phrasing is probably weird i just wanted to keep it vague lol
It is indeed going well! Leaving for a little tour next week, putting out some records this year. DM me if you wanna explain what you mean, now I’m curious!
Even like the stinky owls?
Even the smelly raccoons like @TankieTanuki@hexbear.net ?
Even the beanis?!?
Some people happen enjoy my trash smell FYI.
It’s more of an aroma
Especially the stinky owls! And the smelly raccoons! The more dishevled and filthy the better! And yeah the beanis too, I guess!
I know some people will disagree and have had different experiences, especially recently, but its the only place I’m not bombarded with obnoxious takes about things I care about literally all the time instead of just occasionally.
An imperfect sanctuary is better, for me, than none at all.
Classic horror game save rooms have shown me that an imperfect sanctuary is the more beautiful for it’s flaws
Understood I will increase my badposting
On that note, the original Resident Evil save room theme is really cozy
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
When my wife wouldn’t stop listening to a loud and looped version of the Reba TV show opening, Hexbear was there for me.
When my wife covered me in honey while I slept and then laughed as I struggled to get out of my cocooned state, Hexbear was there to call me misogynist at first, but after I explained myself most of the people who laughed at me got banned.
Thank you, Hexbear.
And when I asked for $50 on here to get food delivered because I was too tired to cook after I had to spend 2 horus inchworming my way to the bath tub and arduously turn on the hot water tap with my face to dissolve the honey-infused bedsheet straitjacket I was trapped in, I got it. Hexbear has my back.
Tagline! We’ve got a tagine!
This is probably the only english speaking place that feels sane sometimes
Having recently spent some time on
yeah you’re not wrong.
the base
page is genuinely shockingly evil looking almost all the time. just ukraine nazi shit everywhere (including gloating at videos of russians being dismembered and exploded), subreddits for rating women on their looks, SV jokes, horrifying news paraded as ‘uplifting’, copaganda even in cute pictures of animals, transphobia in a post about a trans person being savagely killed (and its even way worse than i describe it, its so bad that its not safe to post here and includes racist shit too), and even pro israel shit. for the record this is all on a clean install of tor so this is the baseline reddit experience that theyre pushing to people. i havent looked at reddit beyond trans/left spaces in like 8 years
It’s the only site where I actually post or comment. Everywhere else I just lurk/exist cuz this place is too small
and still not get banned an actual saint.
I have an empty modlog
My modlog is hilarious.
Never before have I been in a space so tolerant of my being utterly embarrassing all the fuckin time, gotta say.
Not just tolerant, but even encouraging sometimes lmao
Personally I kinda wish hb would not encourage me, but it’s good that it encourages others I think.
That’s fair! I find it nice to have an online place to talk about weird stuff I enjoy that nobody I know IRL cares about, but I can see it easy to fall into a time trap (like any other social media).
It can be easy to fall into a time trap, but I am capable of self control surprisingly. It’s more that it serves as an outlet for embarrassing myself and putting my foot in my mouth and shit
I like it when i don’t feel like the smartest person in the space im in and good grief is that not something i have to worry about here
My trick is just never posting
But yeah you’re right
I am the saint of crime