he is the worst regular in all of the treks I have seen (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT)
his whole thing is representing White american baby boomer dudes
boring as shit
doesn’t belong in space
Torres can do so much better.
I don’t believe this shit about being such a hot shot pilot.
I think he was sent by the CIA.
Paris can’t be the worst, Neelix exists
Neelix was annoying because his used car salesman with-a-heart-of-gold personality was completely wasted on the Starfleet crew
The whole point of his character in the first season was to act as a guide thru an unknown region, instead of becoming a boring cook, he should’ve become the Quark of Voyager, an opportunistic trader and part-time ambassador who would secure the goods but habitually set the b-plot into motion cause he got in over his head trying to acquire 6 months worth of fuel (and a sizable cut for himself) by selling one of the holodecks without the captains’ knowledge
well they BOTH want Kes, the child. So no points awarded either way.
neelix is corny or whatever but he doesn’t represent the eternal supremacy of White Men over space. which paris does.
After Kes leaves/ascends Neelix starts hanging around Naomi Wildman he’s the eternal groomer
Hold on, Tom never showed any romantic interest in Kes
He didn’t? Was it only through Neelix’s perspective that was implied? That would make sense, and I always thought it was true.
No, he totally did. In alternate timeline where Torres dies, he marries Kes.
I never took it that way at least. Tom was developing a friendship with Kes which made Neelix jump to conclusions cause he’s Neelix. Although someone did mention an alternate timeline episode where he marries Kes, I don’t remember that episode cause voyager is forgettable af, but from my recollection he didn’t seem to have any romantic or sexual intent and Star Trek tends to make that super obvious.
It was true.
There’s an ep where he confides in harry Kim “I’m in love with kes”. I think harry Kim is playing his clarinet at the time.
Unlike Tuvix
Janeway didn’t go far enough she should have killed Neelix too after killing Tuvix
Tuvok would have deemed it only logical if beaming Tuvix into the heart of a neutron star also meant ridding the ship of Neelix.
As another famous Vulcan once said, “It is logical that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one”
Legit lol
i love how in lower decks they have an alternate universe where tuvix was an admiral or something
I finally watched the last two episodes last night. So good, and so sad to see it go.
its kinda wild how they would run things like discovery for many seasons and episodes but when they actually have a good show they do it for 4 seasons 10 episodes each which is like fucking nothing
They both had equal amounts of seasons. I agree with the sentiment tho. Disco was dead mid season 2, no pun intended, but lower decks has LEGS. That show could have just kinda kept going. George Takei even said so after appearing.
They both had 5 seasons, but Disco got more episodes per season and longer episodes too. Probably double or more the actual runtime.
Yeah, seriously. At least they haven’t axed Strange New Worlds yet, but it was painful going back and watching Discovery only to find out that SNW was a spinoff of that dumpster fire. Here’s hoping that the new Michelle Yeoh Trek project doesn’t turn out to be absolute ass, but I’m not holding my breath. It seems weird to me that this is the first Trek movie since the Abrams reboot movies.
Nothing at all against Yeoh but her character was the absolute worst part of Discovery for me so I have negative hope for the thing centered on her.
Oh, it was just more trash on the trash heap, but at least she was having fun with it. That, I can get behind. But yeah, those first few seasons leaned way too hard on mirror universe shit.
It’s not just that there’s a lot of mirror universe shit, it’s that the Rick Berman created space CIA hires mirror universe cannibal super Hitler to Make Hard Choices for them
I did try watching disco, the earlier seasons, 2 or 3 times, but I couldn’t get it and/or what I did get I hated. It was a mess and mostly I don’t remember it but I do recall that character making some stupid as fuck gay jokes about the mirror universe. They seemed intended to make her seem cool and didn’t work. in my mind.
According to early screeners, Section 31 is not very good
One said it was “painfully stupid”
anything to do with section 31 is that way
When section 31 was introduced they were meant to be like the CIA (bad)
But in our post 9/11 world, they’re meant to be like the CIA (good)
I’m going to watch it, because I’m a good little piggy and I appreciate my slop, but I’m not expecting much.
Yeah, with its troubled production and the shift from a miniseries to a direct-to-streaming movie, it sounds like an absolute train wreck
Not in my heart and I’ve heard the comics are neat and a recent one did a choose your own adventure structure with a twist. Batman did that once where it was a riddler story and you had to figure out that all the cyoa results end in death but reading all extra panels you’ll notice you never get to on any try in order solves it. If it’s thst cool I’m subscribing cause also getting stsr trek comics in the mail seems fun