Going to war with Canada seems like the fucking most wild thing he could do. It’s a nation of mostly white, mostly English speaking people right next door to us. I don’t think you can manufacture consent for a war against people so culturally similar to you they’re basically indistinguishable. I mean fuck how many families in both countries have mixed US/Canadian citizenship? I don’t think even the biggest Minnesota CHUD is suddenly going to support invading his Alberta wife’s home county.
The propaganda will be less “war” and more “Anschluss”. It will be paternalistic in nature and posture republicans as safeguarding “Canadian culture” from mass migration and chynah.
It can be done.
Trump doesn’t want Canada to actually be a 51st state. He is just running cover for the incoming Canadian government to destroy what’s left of their single payer healthcare and anything else slightly good about the place
There was a long struggle between Great Russian and the “Little Russian” that stems from the post-Napoleonic rise of nationalism. Thats why Lenin made the Ukrainian SSR so big in the first place, he wanted to reverse the cultural politics by the Tsar. Modern Ukrainian nationalism which radiated outwards from former Austrian-controlled Galicia is different kind of beast though.
I mean, I don’t think you can deny post the collapse of the USSR, at lot of Ukrainians have embraced anti-Russian attitudes. Sure a lot of that is manufactured by the west, but it’s still there. And yes there is some anti-Ukrainian sentiment amongst Russians as well, even if you can argue some of that is justified by Ukrainian Nazi collaboration.
Going to war with Canada seems like the fucking most wild thing he could do. It’s a nation of mostly white, mostly English speaking people right next door to us. I don’t think you can manufacture consent for a war against people so culturally similar to you they’re basically indistinguishable. I mean fuck how many families in both countries have mixed US/Canadian citizenship? I don’t think even the biggest Minnesota CHUD is suddenly going to support invading his Alberta wife’s home county.
What’s his wife doing coming all the way from Alberta to Minnesota? She should stick to Montana like the rest of em.
Idk where anything in Canada is. I just know there’s a bunch of moose up there.
I can’t tell what the tone/intent of this is.
I’m just joking, I’m actually quite fond of Canada, my bff is Canadian.
She was too ashamed to admit she is actually from Saskatchewan.
Understandable I suppose
The propaganda will be less “war” and more “Anschluss”. It will be paternalistic in nature and posture republicans as safeguarding “Canadian culture” from mass migration and chynah. It can be done.
Trump doesn’t want Canada to actually be a 51st state. He is just running cover for the incoming Canadian government to destroy what’s left of their single payer healthcare and anything else slightly good about the place
That’s what everyone thought about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine a long time ago. Turns out a dictator just does things.
Well,like the Ukrainians,the Canadians have a shitload of nazis too,many of them Ukrainian ironically enough
Problem is,the US can’t draw on its historical memory of killing nazis like the remnants of the greatest fascist killing machine,the Soviet Union,can
The average American thinks that the USA defeated the Nazis
Yeah,but a lot of them regret that
I think the long history of animosity between Russia and Ukraine makes things a little different there.
long history of animosity? seriously?
There was a long struggle between Great Russian and the “Little Russian” that stems from the post-Napoleonic rise of nationalism. Thats why Lenin made the Ukrainian SSR so big in the first place, he wanted to reverse the cultural politics by the Tsar. Modern Ukrainian nationalism which radiated outwards from former Austrian-controlled Galicia is different kind of beast though.
I mean, I don’t think you can deny post the collapse of the USSR, at lot of Ukrainians have embraced anti-Russian attitudes. Sure a lot of that is manufactured by the west, but it’s still there. And yes there is some anti-Ukrainian sentiment amongst Russians as well, even if you can argue some of that is justified by Ukrainian Nazi collaboration.
sure, but i wouldnt call that a long history
Regardless I don’t think that dynamic exists between Canada and the US.