unnecessary for taking down f35s but effective for the other jets that can actually fly
Like “I’m not fired, I quit”?
621 mile range
thanks for converting 1000 km to burger units, i guess
The true test for China will be not only in launching these missiles successfully but also in their ability to detect and target advanced stealth bombers from long distances.
They published a viable method for detecting stealth vehicles using satellites in the last few months.
I recall reading that, it’s pretty clever how they can use starlink style microsats and watch for the signal bounce that gets disrupted by the stealth jet.
China is going to collapse any day now…
This just ruins the gentlemen’s sport of dogfighting! It’s not real chivalrous combat unless you look each other in the eyes as you try to sweep each other out of the air with machine gun fire! Has China no shame?!
The US actually believed dogfighting was obsolite at the start of the Vietnam War. The F4 phantom was originally designed without an onboard cannon or machine gun, and was supposed to rely only on guided missiles for offense. The lack of a machine gun combined with the unreliability of early guided missiles led to poor performance against NVA MiG fighters. The air force had to quickly retrofit the existing fighters with gun pods until later versions had them built in.