Saw NYC DSA’s valentines thing posted a bit ago, here’s NYC PSL version
Honestly, really dumb choice for a name.
the heart sickle is already a thing tho
i dont care if they’re the nicest human being on the planet, I’d rather die than date a fuckin trotskyist
this is one of the most leftist things i’ve read all day
Yeah I’m gonna be real and say I’d date most anyone who can read and appreciate Lenin, no matter where they are. Honestly with the issues facing us in the imperial core I can’t hope for much better anyways, and the differences in ideology aren’t likely going to matter during my lifetime.
trotskyists dont appreciate lenin, they worship trotsky
yeah if i was looking i’d say same
aren’t trotskyists.
They split from a trot organization (WWP) over ‘non-political differences’ in 2004.
PSL is an ML org that upholds Stalin, who is part of their required reading, and is dem cent in structure aside from a few adaptations to allow critical issues to bypass command structure to avoid local abuses.
Maoist Date Night:
Maos snuggle session
heart shammers
They’re finally considering the most endangered folks of all:
white single DSA bros