Can China start using a much cheaper, open source LLM to legitimately improve all aspects of their life and build towards socialism at a faster pace?
I know there is a lot of hate for LLMs coming out of capitalist nations, for a lot of good reasons, but I’m happy to see a counter experiment being run in China of how these things can be utilized positively when profit motive is largely taken out of the equation.
these are capitalist elements within china, praising capitalism but in china is not what we as communists shouldn’t be doing. Increase socialist reforms, increase socialist economy, and not embracing west tailism
I don’t think they’re governing with it, it sounds like they’re using agents to automate and handle small tasks. They’re essentially fancy macros that you can interface with using natural language.
capitalist economy, large liberal strongholds, strong petite bourgeoisie, cooperation with national bourgeoisie, this list goes on
I think so, these being government initiatives means that the incentives are fundamentally different from ones we see when this tech is driven by vulture capital. I find a lot of the hate for LLMs stems from the capitalist context and people seem unable to separate these things.
Can China start using a much cheaper, open source LLM to legitimately improve all aspects of their life and build towards socialism at a faster pace?
I know there is a lot of hate for LLMs coming out of capitalist nations, for a lot of good reasons, but I’m happy to see a counter experiment being run in China of how these things can be utilized positively when profit motive is largely taken out of the equation.
these are capitalist elements within china, praising capitalism but in china is not what we as communists shouldn’t be doing. Increase socialist reforms, increase socialist economy, and not embracing west tailism
These are programs done by local governments, there’s no capitalism happening here. Nobody is embracing capitalism here.
Capitalism is when you use LLMs
Is using any technology that is invented first in the west considered tailism, or only LLMs?
I don’t understand how it is praising capitalism to see use in technology created out of a capitalist mode of production.
Can you explain what you mean by this?
capitalist economy, large liberal strongholds, strong petite bourgeoisie, cooperation with national bourgeoisie, this list goes on
I think so, these being government initiatives means that the incentives are fundamentally different from ones we see when this tech is driven by vulture capital. I find a lot of the hate for LLMs stems from the capitalist context and people seem unable to separate these things.