For the past month, the Trump administration has been cutting federal spending, causing numerous hardships for government employees, the agencies they work for and the people they serve. But veterans are among those hardest hit, and the impact goes well beyond job loss.
It’s awfully brave of them to mess with this particular voting bloc that may be armed and have arms training.
in 4 years voters will forget. also in 4 years whomever is running will just blame storm, or blatantly lie, and won’t be affected
And who have largely been brainwashed. They’ll make excuses, believe lies about the cause of their suffering.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a US Marine.
Sadly, you’re probably right. At least about most of them
Military leans 55% conservative/45% liberal. Less veterans likely support this then you think.
I sure hope so, I’m encouraged by the town hall videos with angry republicans and veterans.
The forever suckers just doing whatever they’re told by “authorities” for over 20 years. So sad.
Most veterans don’t do 20, especially now. Looks like only 17% do. The military is terrible and pays like dick. Even the lifetime pension cant compete with leaving at 4 and then socking away just the difference in pay for 16 years.
Most of us do our initial term and leave. Lots and lots and lots of us, at about a 45% ratio based on the last polling i looked at, are liberals or leftists.
Veterans are not a unified, conservative voting block. The majority vote for this garage, but an almost equal sized minority do not.
Except with guns and modern combat training.
Excellent read, thanks!
You need 5? I think any cut is sufficient for the most continuously active military service in the world since 1945.