The fact that Trump has not already been removed from office on the basis of violating the constitution tells me he’s already won.
There are no consequences to ignoring the rule of law, so he will simply continue. Since there are no consequences to ignoring law, he will simply cancel elections. Who’s gonna stop him? He’s already declared himself king and few even shrugged.
It’s over. The only thing left is a violent uprising. Pretty soon even saying that will be enough to put the speaker in prison as a terrorist.
I wish you were wrong. But I see no lies here.
US Marshals, please put these people in jail and work out the details later. We need a pause to sort through the copious amounts of unconstitutional acts. When a house is on fire you don’t wait until it’s finished burning before you act.
As much as I don’t want to be a pessimist, I think we’re past the point of solutions that come from within the system. It looks like they just took over, but the reality is the wealthy class of this country has been planning and working towards this moment since the 1930’s.
We were past that point when Jan 6 resulted in:
- People actively defending the military for waiting to side with the winner
- Congress actively supporting the shitstain who tried to have them lynched
- Democrats being more concerned about decorum than actually pressing charges
You get it. The last, last, last, last, last stand to have any rational hope of righting the current constitutional framework using its own mechanisms would have been to soundly rebuke the Reagan/Welch give away the store Revolution as a society half a century ago. Even then the hour was late and unions were being systematically attacked, but getting the former supposed opposition party on the take, today’s neoliberals, was the ballgame, and Citizens United was just a capitalist victory lap pissing on the corpse.
We surrendered the active class war with no terms and began our class occupation in 1980 with nothing more than the false promise that the right people would become the wealthy fuckers living large on the backs of their exploited neighbor fuckees. There are still pathetic fools waiting for that golden shower of Prosperity any day now.
This collapse is brought to you by the people that would have been running away from town to town selling piss snake oil to marks had they been born a couple centuries earlier. Capitalism made them our kings,and they don’t have to run anywhere, everyone else has to get out of their way.
Rockafeller’s father was a snake oil salesman so… Not far off haha
Very well said, especially the snake oil comparison.
I’m sure Pam Bondi will get right on that.
I’m sure Trump wouldn’t insta-pardon everyone arrested.
They key here would be, if ordered, what do they do?
“If it smells like fascism, looks like fascism, and acts like facism, is it facism? No” - the media who keeps refusing to call it what it is.
The game is over, its time to tip the board. Its all we have left as The People.
There are no stakes to be raised, when courts get ignored its the end of separation of powers and that is already all-in for democracy.
This is right. Once the courts lose legitimacy and authority, the game is effectively over.
It is almost like the Orange Turd is a criminal that does not obey the law.
Schumer just gave them the budget votes and increased presidential powers…
trump continuing to act like trump is as unpredictable as Hitler not stopping at Poland…
Who could have seen that coming?
They’ll stop of you put them in prison
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