Yank tanks truly are the peakest of cringe. I’d be embarrassed to show up in one of those things
“Yank Tank” 😂
Still see plenty of those out in western Canada.
Seeing more and more in Australia as well. Way too big for our roads.
We seem to have been invaded by them in the last 2 years or so. I don’t see why regular utes and 4wds have been fine until now, but suddenly every tradesman needs one of these.
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Thanks Obama!
Hopefully the “rolling coal” thing at least didn’t come along with them?
I seen a comment that they were covered by the instant tax right-off and so their dealers were pushing them to business owners and tradies who were more than happy to buy
2-ton codpiecesoversized vehicles. Seems to check out from my experience with them.I’m a registered tax agent. This isn’t really true - but, it’s exactly what someone needing a 2-ton codpiece would say.
If you use a passenger vehicle exclusively for work / business, then you can claim depreciation on it’s total cost up to a maximum of ~$66k (last year… this limit is indexed each year).
Vehicles with a carrying capacity of > 1 tonne are not subject to this limit as they’re “commercial” vehicles rather than passenger vehicles.
So if you had a $100k to spend on a new car, then a landcruiser wagon / SUV will be less tax effective than a RAM ute because you can’t claim a deduction for the entire cost of the ute.
That said, no one actually chooses between those types of vehicles on the basis of the tax deduction available - you either want a ute or you don’t. The choice is always between a hilux size ute and a ram size ute. Additionally, I don’t have a list but I’ve heard tell that very few of the bigger utes actually have a carrying capacity of > 1 tonne once you subtract the potential weight of passengers.
so that’s where all jan-sixers went
I shit you not… I saw a cooker waving a Trump 2020 flag last week.
there is one guy in town with a big “Miss me yet” tRump flag mounted on the porch next to an american flag. Only one I’ve seen around here. Probably his mom’s house. drive by it about every day. that’s dedication or something. has a big red truck too. I am so tempted to steal it but won’t risk getting shot. maniacs. I just flip the bird like a good citizen and follow court proceedings.
They are an undeniably infectious disease.
Eastern Onterrible too
But mah freedumb #rigpiglets
They’re popular in Mexico as well. Ultimately they’re a US creation though.
they were a thing when I lived in Texas in the late 70s. A guy I worked with had a big yellow Ford with 5’ high tires. Everyone had pickups. I had a Datsun pickup with DOHC sounded like it would blow up at 60 but smoothed out again at 70. commutes were wild
You are just mad u cant afford it on your measly europoor salary. Americans stay winning.
You’re going in my cringe compilation
my cringe compilation
Morty is sitting on the couch, engrossed in his smartphone, while Rick is tinkering with one of his inventions.
Morty: (excitedly) Hey, Rick, you gotta check this out! There’s this new thing called “Cringe Compilations” on the internet. It’s like, people doing really awkward stuff and everyone makes fun of them!
Rick: (glances over) Cringe compilations, Morty? Seriously? The internet’s been around for decades, and that’s what you’re excited about?
Morty: (nervously) Well, I just thought it’s kinda funny, you know, watching people act all weird and stuff.
Rick: (rolls eyes) Morty, it’s called the internet. It’s a vast wasteland of cringe and chaos. (pauses) But you know what? Maybe it’s time I enlighten you about the wonders of the multiverse.
Rick pulls out his portal gun and creates a portal.
Rick and Morty step out of the portal and find themselves in a futuristic internet cafe filled with all sorts of bizarre creatures from different dimensions.
Morty: (looking a round) Whoa, Rick, this place is insane!
Rick: (smirking) Welcome to the Intergalactic Internet Cafe, Morty. Here, you’ll find cringe beyond your wildest nightmares.
They sit down at a terminal, and Rick starts typing away.
Rick: (typing) You see, Morty, cringe is a universal constant. No matter where you go, there’s always gonna be something that makes you cringe.
On the screen, we see a bizarre video titled “Zogork’s Awkward Dance-Off.”
Morty: (watching) Uh, Rick, what’s that?
Rick: (grinning) That’s Zogork, the three-headed space alien trying to dance. Now that’s what I call cringe!
Morty: (cringing) Oh, geez, Rick. That’s… something else.
They browse through various cringe videos from different dimensions, including a segment where people are trying to speak backwards, a cat that thinks it’s a parrot, and a sentient jello mold attempting stand-up comedy.
Morty: (laughs) This is insane, Rick! I’ve never seen anything like it.
Rick: (chuckles) Morty, the multiverse is a treasure trove of cringe. But here’s the thing, it’s all relative. What’s cringe in one dimension might be considered cool in another. It’s all a matter of perspective.
Morty: (still laughing) Yeah, I guess you’re right, Rick. Cringe is in the eye of the beholder.
They both continue to watch cringe videos, sharing a laugh and learning a valuable lesson about embracing the quirks of different realities.
I really hope you used AI to generate that text, because god damn what a waste of time otherwise.
Didn’t read regardless
Ill rewrite it in your language:
Int. Smith family livin’ room - day
morty be sittin’ on tha couch, engrossed in his muthafuckin’ smartphone, while rick be tinkerin’ wit’ one o’ his muthafuckin’ inventions.
morty: (excitedly) hey, rick, yo’ gotta check dis out! there’s dis new thang called “cringe compilations” on tha internizzle. It’s like, people doin’ really awkward shit n’ y’all makes fun o’ 'em!
rick: (glances over) cringe compilations, morty? seriously? tha internet’s been ‘round fo’ decades, n’ that’s What the fuck you’re excited 'bout?
morty: (nervously) well shiiit, i just thought it’s kinda funny, yo’ know, watchin’ people act all shit n’ shit.
rick: (rolls eyes) morty, it’s called tha internizzle. It’s a vast wasteland o’ cringe n’ chaos. (pauses) N’ therez Ain’t nuthin’ but yo’ know What the fuck? maybe it’s time i enlighten yo’ ‘bout da wonders o’ da multiverse.
rick pulls out his muthafuckin’ portal glock n’ creates a portal.
int. Multiverse - intergalactic internizzle cafe - day
rick n’ morty step out o’ da portal n’ find themselves in a futuristic internizzle cafe filled wit’ all sorts o’ bizarre creatures from different dimensions.
morty: (lookin’ a round) whoa, rick, dis place be insane!
rick: (smirking) welcome ta tha intergalactic internizzle cafe, morty. Here, you’ll find cringe beyond yo’ goddamn wildest nightmares.
they sit down at a terminal, n’ rick starts typin’ away.
rick: (typing) yo’ peep, morty, cringe be a universal constant. No matta Where the fuck yo’ git, there’s always gonna be somethang dat makes yo’ cringe.
on tha screen, we peep a bizarre porno titled “zogork’s awkward dance-off.”
morty: (watching) uh, rick, what’s dat?
rick: (grinning) that’s zogork, tha three-headed space alien tryin’ ta dance. Naw that’s What the fuck i call cringe!
morty: (cringing) oh, geez, rick. That’s… somethang else.
they browse through various cringe videos from different dimensions, includin’ a segment Where the fuck people r’ tryin’ ta speak backwards, a pussaaaaaay dat thinks it’s a parrot, n’ a sentient jello mold attemptin’ stand-up comedy.
morty: (laughs) dis be insane, rick! i’ve neva peep anythin’ like dat shit.
rick: (chuckles) morty, tha multiverse be a treasure trove o’ cringe. N’ therez Ain’t nuthin’ but here’s tha thang, it’s all relative. What’s cringe in one dimension might be considered funky-ass in anotha. It’s all a matta o’ perspective.
morty: (still laughing) yeah biatch, i guess you’re right, rick. Cringe be in da eye o’ da beholda.
they both continue ta watch cringe videos, sharin’ a bust n’ learnin’ a valuable lesson ‘bout embracin’ tha quirks o’ different realities.
fade out.Q then me.
After seeing this bullshit, I have an offtopic question: can you block accounts on Lemmy? Pretty sure I never want to read any other line of this guy in my life.
Found that function in about 0.75s. Click the username. Now click “Block User” which is on the top line.
My penis is too long, so I am not allowed to own such a car.
My car is half as big and still has the same cargo space actually.
I think you mean “Americans stay in debt”. Most of the idiots you see driving these trucks are paying half their paycheck for what is essentially a billboard advertising their small penis.
The only people impressed by your truck are children. Everyone else can tell that you are trying to compensate for your ‘inadequacies’
We are all laughing at you behind your back.
Welcome to America, where everyone hates everyone
Your point being proven in these comments already and it hasn’t even been 30m
USA is world’s biggest PvPvPvP… MMO
You mean PvE.
Oof, but also yes
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People vs EVERYONE
so many player haters 😔
How could you say that? I hate you for it. (/s)
Pfff that car ain’t even street legal in my country.
Some dude drives on of those where i live. I’ve never seen it move, it’s always parked on the same spot where it doesn’t fit. Completely with aouthern state flag and stickers that say that only gay cops pull him over and how every car that is not a v8 is for girls. I’d be so embarrassed to drive that thing.
I got more compliments from women while I was driving my 1.4L inline 4 Honda in a week than I got in 10 years with a 4.2L Ford V8.
So yeah, V8s attract men. Sensible cars are for girls.
Clearly he’s trying to attract a gay male cop
Pull me over daddy UwU
I drive a cool, classic car most of the time.
It attracts a lot of 60 year old blokes with names like “Terry” and “Ian” every time I pull up to a stop.
I haven’t seen a girl so much as look sideways at it.
A 255? Who’s taking a second glance towards that choked smog era engine?
No. Accidentally robbed myself of .4L. 99 Crown Vic.
Gotcha. If I had one of those, I’d paint it black and pretend it was a Marauder
Left it white so people would think I was a cop and not drive like a lunatic.
So by his logic a Lamborghini Aventador is for girls.
Worse - Europeans
And a dodge challenger, Chevy Camaro, all of the Nissan Z series and all of the skyline series, the delorean dmc-12, most mustangs, Acura nsx, Subaru wrx sti, the list is literally hundreds of cars long.
All of these cars are definitely too much car for that dude I can guarantee it.
where i live, which is in the south, every 3 cars is one of these, they lift suvs too, so that increases the odds. when cops clock out they also drive one of these, even the gay ones. driving it is no big deal, its how they drive and what they do with it, usually road raging other road users, intimidating them, and trying to run them off the road, in other words bullying and intimidation, which is likely why they own one in the first place. why do they feel a strong desire to bully or intimidate anyone? that’s a great question. why do you have to knock out the biggest guy in jail to get any respect? …
There is a dealership here called lifted trucks(I know very straight forward. straight to the main selling point) they have more lots here than other dealerships.It is very clear the amount of lifted trucks here went up significantly. The whole city screams that I’m only doing it to get women because I’m insecure about myself. Which is the reason why I wish to move to Europe’s walkable cities or just move to a place with no one around.
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I didnt say I owned a truck. I have a electric bike that I built. I said either go to a walkable city OR go to the middle of nowhere “living off the land.”
driving it is no big deal
It’s impossible to safely drive a car like this. You can’t see children standing in front of you, and no matter what you’re gonna pollute. Pollution is dangerous.
I know I’m going to catch some heat for this, but… Maybe you should be out watching and paying attention to your kids and keeping them out of the fucking street??? I mean, fuck dickheads who need to advertise their small dick by driving these abominations, but whether they’re squished by a Ford F650 duallie with a 84" lift or my little compact sedan, they’re gonna have a bad day
So what’s your solution, then? We just drive our huge trucks and run over all the kids who have bad parents? We take a life that we could have saved, in order to spite someone else? Cause that seems evil.
So parents shouldn’t be held accountable for their crotch spawn running amok in a right of way? What’s YOUR solution? Funny how (at least in the US) you need to take a test and be licensed to drive, but any two dipshits can somehow find a way to literally not take any one of several available, some even taxpayer funded, precautions, or, irresponsibly have the kid with the plethora of options available, squirt out another human being, no test or license required. If you can’t be bothered to take care of a kid, then don’t fucking have one. This includes being present when they’re outside playing when there’s the chance of them being hurt. /rant
So you want to hold parents accountable by killing children. And you don’t think that’s evil?
Have you ever heard of capitalization?
They’re trying to fight against CAPITAList oppression in any way they can.
reading comprehension?
I hope nothing happens to his tires
Also, it probably weighs over 3500 kg, so you’ll need a C license to drive it. Fun fact, if you have one of those, you can also drive a huge lorry. Why would you choose an eyesore like that, when you could be a badass rock hauler.
This is why I drive a small pickup truck, I’m compensating for my quite large penis.
I’m so sorry to hear that 😢
Can you donate half of it for people in need? I’ll gladly take on that burden for you, my friend 🧔♀️
Same. I could only get the small truck and small boat.
Either way, around here I almost always see both end up doing stupid shit on the road. I don’t give a fuck what you’re driving. Obey the rules of the road, follow the flow of traffic, be aware of your surroundings, and for fucks sake, signal properly and clearly! Nobody’s in a race. We can all get where we’re going safely and timely if y’all just stop acting like you’re escaping a war zone!
The difference is that one of the two can be use has a lethal weapon. I’ll let you guess wich one.
couldn’t agree with you more… can’t tell you how many times I’ve nearly been hit by another car all because they cut in front of me suddenly, not signaling, naturally, and just sped off like they’re in a race. I will see ppl going nearly 100mph in the interstate, just weaving back and forth between lanes. will never understand why ppl have to be in such a damn rush all the time. what’s the point of getting somewhere 2 minutes sooner if you hurt or possibly kill someone along the way? worst part of it is that the cops here never seem to be around to keep assholes like that in check.
Oh it’s constant here, and they all act like you’re the problem. So many fatal accidents every year, pedestrians killed, at least one fatality due to people racing. Constant hit and runs. It’s like driving in GTA.
I just took a client to the mall a couple hours ago. On our way, we watched someone honk at the person next to me/in front of them at an intersection, they then tailgated them until the other person changed lanes, threw their drink, and screamed out the window. The driver’s crime, as far as I can tell, was because they didn’t move in the millisecond between when the light turned green and the psycho behind them lost their mind.
We’re in the off season now, too. Don’t even get me started when the tourists come!
plenty of hit and runs where I’m at also, especially for pedestrians. the amount of accidents even in just a week is scary. exactly! it’s almost like driving the speed limit is the crime now. there’s ppl who will pass on a non passing road just to get ahead of me bc I’m apparently driving too slowly. just the other day I got honked at bc the left turn light had just turned green, but the person in front of me hadn’t even started turning yet. no one has a speck of patience on the road. I just want to know why lmao
ffs, seriously? that’s such an extreme response. and it’s truly so mind blowing to me that there’s ppl who view pedestrian life as secondary to getting where they need to be. I’ve seen drivers swerve past pedestrians as they’re crossing and honk at them and everything. it’s wild out here.
I’ve seen 4 rams around my town drivers all look the same, they’re all very clean, never seen it parked as they can’t fit it anywhere one guy did get stuck and laughed at in his big yellow truck by a lot of people last time I’ve seen him
I have an ancient tiny pickup (don’t get me started on EVs or how a van is better, I’m aware but poor and I don’t live/work in a city) and I’d say about 1-2 times a week when daily driving I’ll get mocked by someone with a giant, lifted, accent-lighted, chrome-trimmed, perfectly-unscathed monstrosity. Usually some form of homophoplbic slur to describe my vehicle choice.
I fill up for less than half the price, and I fit right next to most regular cars. I still park out in the empties because I don’t like being next to other vehicles, but I don’t have to.
Honestly I’d love an EV with a minivan size profile, truck clearance, and the enclosed rear is all cargo space. Literally all of my hobbies and work things would fit in it, and since I live on a hill in the middle of fields, I get a lot of wind and solar.
Of course, I’d love it even more if I could take a nap on a train with space for an equipment cart while I travel half an hour to work, but the next ice age will happen before passenger trains become that widespread.
A Nissan e-NV200 is what you want … I’m in Spain, there’s a few about. They’re basic work vans, good amount of space in them, easily fixable, etc.
The Nissan e-NV200 was expected to be available by 2017 for the NYC Taxi of Tomorrow fleet.[93] However, structural changes would be required to bring the e-NV200 into compliance with US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards,[94] and the van never was released to the US market.
Looks like GM rebadged it was a Chevy Express in 2014 and discontinued it in 2017.
Makes sense, European crash testing looks for different things and the e-NV200 was only ever passed as a commercial vehicle here so you couldn’t use one as a taxi.
They are well handy, it’s a shame.
Also make superb camper vans if you aren’t too mad about the 150 mile range!
That seems great for the “we go from fancy campground to fancy campground and stay for half a week” crowd, but most camper van owners are not in that group, right?
Proper working man’s pickups those unlike the new ones that have all this fancy shite that you wouldn’t want in a work vehicle
I’ve had people argue that all the fancy stuff is needed in a work vehicle
Out of all the recent innovations in trucks, the only ones I’d really consider useful is having 120V power plugs in the bed and reversing cameras. Neither is required, but they do make things much easier.
But also, I am far more likely to assume that someone driving a Tacoma or Ranger is using it to do work than I am someone driving a ‘full size’ pickup.
More evidence, if any was needed, that advertising works. The entire product is built on marketing a self-image to those who for whatever reason aren’t perceptive enough to see how they’ve been manipulated by the advertising industry.
I’m somewhat guilty of it myself when it comes to outdoors activities that I’m passionate about like climbing and hiking and backpacking and snowboarding. I know a lot of it is overpriced bullshit that I don’t actually need, but sometimes I’m like “here, just take my money, I must have that fancy new piece of gear or equipment!” At least I’m aware of it though.
Nobody’s mad at someone using a reasonably sized pickup when they need the functionality. The goal is the least polluting vehicle you can reasonably get for your use case.
i feel like if we applied this logic to most things, the world would be a better place…
At least yours is actually useful for something 👍
The thing I hate the most about my province (Quebec), the passion people have for pickup trucks. It’s a fucking obsession, and it’s a subject that cant even be discussed, the right of owning one of those is almost the first article of our constitution.
I don’t mind passion from a hobby perspective. Some people are passionate about sports, coding, radios, plants, stamps etc. It’s okay to be passionate about cars and trucks, just don’t daily drive these if you want people to respect you. Same with stanced cars.
The problem as I see it is that these modded ones are pushed as still being practical when they are really only big toys. Have you ever noticed that jacked up trucks rarely have caps or toolboxes on the beds? The extra height takes away the utility of the bed and loading/unloading anything is a pain in the ass. They pour all this money into making their truck less useful.
I’ve driven big F-250s for work. They have a time, a place and a purpose. And that is not as a daily driver for most people.
'Round here we call em pavement princess. Drive like they own the place, but never done a day’s work.
Very accurate
Have you been to Alberta? Lol it’s way worse
Driving through curvy roads in manitoba I was being passed like I was standing still by lifted trucks…way over driving their headlights
Ontarian here. I’ve been all over Canada, it’s everywhere.
Et je commence à voir beaucoup de “coal runner”, ou/et avec des pneus surdimensionné suspension élevé etc… Toutes des modifications illégale mais pourtant t’en vois partout. Sont-ils si riche qu’ils peuvent se payé des contraventions en continu où la police fait rien ?
J’en ai vu un sur le boulevard Pi-IX, le gars a “enfumé” une quunzaine de personnes qui attendaient l’autobus. Sérieux.
Moi aussi je me demandais comment autant de gens peuvent se payer des tanks de même, vu le prix, jusqu’à ce qu’un ami qui travaille en administration m’explique que la plupart des gens qui en ont font juste s’enregistrer une entreprise et le mette dessus. Même pas besoin de faire des vrais affaire avec ton entreprise, tu déclares des revenues négatifs et tu ramasses plein de crédits pour ton char. Bref, c’est nos impôts qui finance les gros chris de pickup du monde.
Ben câlisse, comment ma apporter mon épicerie à maison sans un char d’assault?
J’ai plus souvent rencontrer ça dans les régions. J’ai un pick-up mais par nécessité. (4 flos)
On en voit de plus en plus en ville. Les gens utilisent leur pickup pour aller à l’épicerie. Mon voisin travaille de chez lui sur un ordi et a un pickup.
Ain’t that the truth. I’m constantly fighting this fight in my own city where we only get bike gutters, not even lanes. Complain complain complain from the people who claim they care about the neighborhood.
I’m 24 now and don’t own a car. :)
So…? Do you NEED a car? I didnt had a car until 34 because I didnt need one. The only reason I got one was because I moved in a different city and kind of had no choice. But I had many many bikes.
Same, turning 25 in a month, still no car
Primarily because I’m very fucking poor and just getting the license costs over 2000€ already
You know what’s funny, I recently read a CNBC business article that said auto-makers are saying consumers aren’t buying enough electric and hybrid vehicles. That supply has outpaced demand. You know what they’re not going to do, drop prices like basic economic theory says they should. According to auto-makers the problem wasn’t that they over estimated how popular their products are, the problem is the consumers not living up to their expectations. If we were good little consumers we’d just take on more debt but apparently we’re not cooperating.
34 :-)
25 and same, despite having a driver’s license for eight years
39 and I don’t even have a driver’s license…
Definitely not the correct place to ask, but does anyone know what brand or model ebike that is?
Gazelle AMI c7 HMS
A Dutch bike in my Murica?!?
Man, wish I could get an Omafiets without it being so expensive I’m afraid of it getting stolen
Get a good lock and bike insurance?
Awesome, thanks.
Is this a trick question?
The obvious choice is the truck. Take the truck and sell it. And then buy a bike, car and down payment on a house.
My car is closer in size to the bicycle than the truck.
Also, most of these trucks around here have an orange triangle at the back and are driven by teenagers.
Damn those triangle cars are always getting in the way. Even the little ones.
too bad the truck doesn’t have nuts
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I kind of am an elitist though