dustcommie [none/use name]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • ZiggoCiP - he/him GMT-5 — Today at 3:46 PM That’s what I thought. [3:48 PM] They have an assortment of their own native (stolen from western ones of course) versions of said platforms if I’m not mistaken. Certainly would be easier to influence westerners if they got on said platforms. Like Cal pointed out, Tiktok as we see it isn’t what it is in China.

    The self admitted fed (Caledric) comments from the images

    9/27/2022 2:31 I was an Intel Analyst in the Marines

    9/27/2022 2:33am I’m undecided if I’m going back into the intel field after I get my degree. Just started back up in college as a 41 year old man… I’m older than 2 of my profs lol. Right now probably just going to do cyber security

    9/27/2022 2:39am Being a fucking idiot who turned down 3 job offers in NC to move back to Western PA where my family lived cause I thought for sure I could find a job in Pittsburgh doing intel shit…

    10/2/2022 11:49pm I was an Intel Specialist in the Marines and my Major is Security Risk & Analysis with an Intel Analysis option… so information security is kinda my gig

    Just Caledric's messages from the discord convo

    Caledric — Today at 6:57 PM Personally I say China bad because I have first hand knowledge and accounts of the things they have done or intended to do with various things like Tik Tok, Video Games, etc that are mass marketed to the public but completely banned in China itself. No I can’t expand on that because I am not stupid enough to share top secret information on the internet like those dumbfucks on the War Thunder forums. Suffice it to say if you knew about the shit you did they would be a much bigger threat than Elon.

    Caledric — Today at 7:01 PM No banning Tik tok is NOT Stupid. Tik Tok is a Chinese Psyop and nothing more. People are litterally addicted to it and will act out in violence due to their addiction and subtle programing. For fuck sakes there have been several stories of Teenagers committing violence just because of the THREAT of Tik Tok being banned. Biden said he had no intentions on enforcing the tik tok ban during the last days of his presidency and left it to Trump to enforce. As soon as Biden said he was not going to ban it China released their statement Via tik tok that they were shutting down because it was being banned. Then the day after suddenly the new President who created a crypto coin that China invested in to the tune of Billions, said he was going to save Tik Tok and then Tik tok puts out an announcement praising the purchased president.

    Caledric — Today at 7:05 PM Did you miss the part where I said I was fucking part of the US Intelligence network and had first hand knowledge of how they were using the platform, and their plans on how to manipulate people with it? You are exactly the type of apologist that they were seeking to create. Someone who will blindly defend them with whataboutisms and turn a very specific issue into a wide general issue.

    Caledric — Today at 7:08 PM I was during my time in the Marines. It was my MOS. [7:08 PM] My theater of specialization was Asia.

    Caledric — Today at 7:10 PM Leon is absolutely trying to replicate it, he’s just not smart enough to keep it subtle.

    Caledric — Today at 7:13 PM Lol you think it’s only Half?

  • Most American politics is just theater(at the electoral level). Trump not really having any hard alliances, working with Meta, and seeing that the ban wasn’t super popular it was probably easy to unban hoping he can get them to sell, but even if they don’t he still comes out on top. All the millionaire geriatrics in the house, congress, Biden, and supreme court just thought “China bad” would be good enough to either kick them out or get them to sell. Most of the time that would work, but younger people are not on the same program (yet).

    I don’t really think it is some GOP conspiracy or long con by Trump, all this just seems like taking very obvious opportunities and capital just moving along.

  • …i dont feel like everything is assaulting my dopamine centers to fight for attention…

    One video on xhs (giving an overview for the new audience) said that the algorithm isn’t centered around the “rich get richer” effect and tries to give a much more even distribution, which I imagine dilutes all the “dopamine assault” content developed to game tik-tok (profit motive) type algorithms (and other addictive qualities) plus probably makes it more useful as a search engine.

  • After “big” events (at least as american reporting) I like to see what chinese commenters think about them, I might have to get the app just for that. I remember like a day or 2 after “the Adjuster” there were some comments confused about why Brian Thompson/CEO was killed and shouldn’t the killer be going after shareholders which I thought was funny but also has its own insight from being further from the situation (pretty sure Brian was a big shareholder anyways)