Really looking forward to two and a half terms of President JD Vance.
My man looking like a rotting orange. But he is wet though, I’ll give him that.
Really glad they lathered him up he was looking parched
HDR-capable trump flesh, impressive
Hit em with the full gamut bronzer
he’s so dry. if he’s not inaugurated soon he will turn to dust
there’s gonna be a dang cheeto in the white house
he looks like an ed gein handbag
The face texture and the body texture don’t match. This is what happens when you install shitty modpacks.
looks like a screen cap from a star trek episode about a young guy who got made old
Final scene of a Twilight Zone episode with a voiceover about how being rich doesn’t fix stupidity
Yes, dude.
Hell yes.
The face of American success
this big mac ain’t shi-
That is Donald Trump’s signature look. Blond game show host hair and skin of a hotdog. It’s awesome!
I can’t tell if this is Trump in a tight suit or Biden will a swollen face.
Biden has assumed Trump’s body
I’m confused by the tux. But other than that - I’m 100% onboard for the newest Halloween.
This is the moment Trump became presidential