I literally overheard some chud on a train argue that point with a friend, and used that to conclude that that’s why communism will never work. If everyone gets paid the same, then what’s the challenge???
He reminded me of that 20th century banker in the TNG episode “The Neutral Zone”, who wakes up in the 24th century after being thawed from his cryogenic state, and then asks Picard what even the point of living is in that century if material needs no longer exist, and people’s want for riches and possessions is no longer a thing. Picard skillfully schools his ass.
Ackshually (I’m a bit of a Trek nerd) in one of the novels he became the Federation ambassador on Ferenginar. They gave him that position because of his capitalist expertise, which makes it easier to deal with the Ferengi. They were like “You’re just like them, so help us deal with them.”
If everybody gets paid the same, what’s the incentive to be a doctor?
I literally overheard some chud on a train argue that point with a friend, and used that to conclude that that’s why communism will never work. If everyone gets paid the same, then what’s the challenge???
He reminded me of that 20th century banker in the TNG episode “The Neutral Zone”, who wakes up in the 24th century after being thawed from his cryogenic state, and then asks Picard what even the point of living is in that century if material needs no longer exist, and people’s want for riches and possessions is no longer a thing. Picard skillfully schools his ass.
Me: what’s the point of being alive if i have to constantly be looking for more income to survive
That fucking guy: what
that character is mentioned somewhere in like a star trek comic or novel or something. Turns out he defected to the Ferengi lmao
(I’m a bit of a Trek nerd) in one of the novels he became the Federation ambassador on Ferenginar. They gave him that position because of his capitalist expertise, which makes it easier to deal with the Ferengi. They were like “You’re just like them, so help us deal with them.” 
Lmao that’s awesome.
Idk, Cuba seems to pull it off.
Yeah by forcing people to become doctors at gunpoint. Slave doctors are still slaves
I would have thought this was too hamfisted if I hadn’t heard Rand Paul say it almost verbatim
Anime tells me a slave doctor would be metal asf tho