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Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • I disagree, but only because I think I figured out the ending, how GRRM told the show writers, and I can see how they interpreted it.

    Possible spoilers: I think Jon is supposed to kill Daenerys and the writers couldn’t figure out why so they just made up dumb shit. But the reason he kills her is to forge a sword (Lightbringer) to destroy the white walkers. And Daenerys agrees to it.

    "To fight the darkness, Azor Ahai needed to forge a hero’s sword. He labored for thirty days and thirty nights until it was done. However, when he went to temper it in water, the sword broke. He was not one to give up easily, so he started over.

    The second time he took fifty days and fifty nights to make the sword, even better than the first. To temper it this time, he captured a lion and drove the sword into its heart, but once more the steel shattered.

    The third time, with a heavy heart, for he knew beforehand what he must do to finish the blade, he worked for a hundred days and nights until it was finished. This time, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast. He drove his sword into her living heart, her soul combining with the steel of the sword, creating the weapon known as Lightbringer." -Tyrion tells this story in book 2 I believe

    “According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn to wake dragons from stone and reforge the great sword Lightbringer that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago. If the old tales are true, a terrible weapon forged with a loving wife’s heart. Part of me thinks man was well rid of it, but great power requires great sacrifice. That much at least the Lord of Light is clear on.” -Book 2

  • Ah ok, I see. Well I want to be clear, if someone is interested in reading, don’t be deterred by this, make your own opinion. My wife and I loved every book. I really liked Amos’ trajectory especially.

    To touch on how I interpreted your points in the story (CONTAINS SPOILERS AND I DON’T KNOW HOW TO HIDE THEM):

    -It pointed out the higher dimension beings couldn’t actually pinpoint anything in our spacetime unless a huge amount of energy was released at the exact moment we crossed their dimension through the gates. -It seemed to me that everyone was scared of duarte and even more scared of modifying themselves with protomolecule after his “coma” where he killed someone instantly. -I think I remember the Laconians basically being arrogant and underestimating everyone.

    I hear that you have a different opinion and maybe you got burnt out on the books, but I really hope the show finishes them up because I enjoyed them.

  • Like what? An infinite decimal that seems random that we can calculate down to more and more precision?

    That’s pretty easily answerable, if that’s what you’re asking. Pi is how we measure the circumfrence of a circle, amoung other things. But a circle has no edges. So how can we use numbers to calculate the infinitely smooth line of a circle with no corners if numbers inherently make precise, “edged” digits?

    You use an infinite number. Precisely, Pi, which we calculated by taking the circumference of a circle and dividing it by the diameter. The more precise we can measure the circumference and diameter, the more digits of pi we can get. The more digits of Pi we get, the more accurately we can measure the circumference of a different circle we don’t already know.

    TDLR: Pi is like that because circles don’t have edges, so we need a number that doesn’t end, otherwise when we calculate a circle and, say, put it into a computer, it’ll have little edges. The less numbers of Pi we have, the more noticeable and numerous the circles’ edges. Its like the difference between having a screen with more or less pixels.