No units -> my brain reads those numbers as ages…
Those elves are too young to be dating.
Going by which lore though. In D&D 5e, Elves reach adulthood by 100 years of age.
Whichever one is funniest.
So… Keebler.
I thought they were pounds and had no idea why that was relevant to the photo-taking issue.
150 in elf years is basically 15 for a human.
I thought the same for a moment too lol and lacking any contextual lore I tend to default to 10=1 years conversion to get a rough idea of how old they’re probably considered by society so… basically an 18 years old dating a 15 years old… yeah… come back to that one in a few decades time bruv when yer lives are more in sync and you’re both matured.
this is why the US customary unit system is superior to the metric system, we don’t even have to write out a unit, we just hit an annotation.
classic feet and inches W
obviously /s but seriously go get your own shorthand units, it’s nice.
LMAO you’re not wrong tbh
dang they’re pretty old
And still getting taller. That’s crazy
If anyone is interested, here is the original (I think):
lmao that’s much more perfect than the version I posted
I think not, I like the anime version
Anime woman looks more mad though. Like I wouldn’t want to turn my back on her after the picture. Real person looks on the verge of tears. Less like she’s going to kill me, therefore less attractive.
Can’t believe they left this scene out of the Netflix adaptation.
The anime versions eyes are looking at anything but him though. The photo is perfect.
Women: I only date TALL men!
Tall men:
Isnt 188 cm just barely 6’2? Not 6’4.
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What heights?
I don’t see any heights mentioned.
No height, just a very old couple
I immediately thought they were talking about weight.
Weirdly, I thought years. Like these were elves or something.
I’ve been playing too much D&D, I need to spend some time in the real world.
I assumed a vampire anime.
I thought it was age
Reminds me of a Billy Crystal joke.
105 year old man and his 99 year old wife go to the judge to ask for a divorce.
“Are you sure that you want a divorce at your ages?”
“Yes, your honor, we haven’t been happy for a while and it’s time to end things.”
“Why did you stay together for so long?”
“We were waiting for the children to die.”
Same 🇺🇲
6’6" (247.5 Oreo Cookies for those of you who use that measurement). My wife is 5’1" tall.
When I was growing up my mom would always say “the tall girls are going to love you!” Every tall girl I ever asked out shot me down in flames.
I am 5’5" I have been flirted with by a surprisingly high number of near or above six foot women. The weird part is that most of them have known damned well I have the emotional capacity of a irate toaster in a research facility. Also I only get that they were flirting years later.
How did you end up with that lack of emotional capacity?
Autism and being abused as a child will fuck you up. Mind you I have more while by myself and with friends its just all of these instances were at work and well I am nothing but business, and part of business is telling HR that I put in time off as a courteous and I wasnt fucken asking.
Trait alexithymia for the win
so many researchers toasting their bagels and yet never using your dedicated bagel button will wear you down.
For anyone else using reasonable units that’s 198,12 cm and 154,94 cm respectively.
for everyone who actually uses metric, that’s 198 cm, and 155 cm respectively :)
That’s what I said.
nobody is measuring people to a tenth of a millimeter.
4channers who blame their lack of muff action on their diminutive height are.
No, but it doesn’t matter. I just provided the exact measurements because I was copy pasting anyways.
When the original value is only precise to plus or minus half an inch, it makes no sense whatsoever to do a conversion that’s a hundred times more precise.
It’s more precise and took no extra effort. 🤷
Why is it bothering you so much?
yeah and i said it better :)
If you actually contributed by providing the information to begin with I would agree.
if you just didnt add the decimals i wouldn’t have done it better. So, i would concur there as well.
Are you just being stubborn, or do you really still not understand why adding too many decimal places / significant figures is wrong?
I just copy pasted. Deal with it.
that’s too many significant figures
I’m impressed you were able to convert the Oreos! 😉
This post is lit because of the cm measurements.
Height in centimeters? I don’t entirely get this.
It’s what most of the world uses. Tea-ville and Yeehawland are the only two that typically use imperial still.
We don’t even use the same type of imperial either
If France could just lie for a few years and say that they’re adopting the British system, it might persuade us to finally metricise properly out of spite and I’d be extremely grateful to them
In Germany, we usually express height in meters and centimeters, like 1 meter 58 or 1 meter 88.
Only in informal communication. Medical software and official documents (like you ID card) usually use cm.
True, I didn’t think about that.
That makes a lot more sense to a 'Murican like me coming from imperial.
Feel free to say it any way you like, it makes no difference:
- 1.58 meters
- 158 centimeters
- 1 meter 58 centimeters
It’s all the exact same thing, nobody will bat an eye.
except it would be 1,58 meters
Don’t you guys use decimeters?
That’s also quiet common, especially in engineering, which doesn’t use CM.
Not just tea-ville, but former tea-ville colonies also measure human height in feet and inched. And former tea-ville colonies make up a large portion of the human populace.
I live in New Zealand, we don’t use inches. In fact, you’re required to use metric if you’re selling a product, as that’s our official measurement system.
deleted by creator
But no matter where you are you’d better add units!
Definitely, there’s no excuse for that.
Most of LondonThe UK uses Miles Per Hour for speed limits. That’s just the biggest example off the top of my head. Your assertion is inaccurate.Edit: A weird thing to downvote but ok. It’s more than just London, it’s the whole UK.
Didn’t downvote you but I’m guessing that’s covered by “Tea-ville” which could be why.
I’m in yeehawland and I loved the nicknames
That was not me.
What was not you?
One person said the UK is using imperial measurements and you responded that this is wrong and showed in an example at the same time, why the original statement would be true
Height in centimeters?
Yeah, it’s in centimeters. 158 cm is 0.000853132 and 188 is 0.00101512 in nautical miles, if that helps any.
Alternatively, as a smaller scale, 158 cm and 188 cm are only 0.01727909011373578 and 0.020559930008748905 football fields, respectively. Hope this helps.
Sometimes, that 0.00328084th of a football field makes all the difference in the world…
Yeah I had to read it twice to figure it wasn’t years. And I use metric, so I know exactly how tall these two are but for some reason it didn’t click on the first read
It would be easier if it was 1.88 and 1.56 :)
I think the anime picture adds to it. I thought it was about the “my witch girlfriend is actually 500 just in a childs body so its not pedophilia”
It doesn’t help that they didn’t state their units.
Seventh Brigade.
I guess one upside of living in a country that uses both metric and imperial frequently is that these things tend to click pretty quickly. The lack of consistency is annoying, though.
It’s nothing. Without a unit those are just numbers. A can of coke isn’t 12, it’s 12floz.
Or so my metric companions don’t shit themselves in their panic-induced rage at the sight of imperial units, a coke can isn’t 355, it’s 355mL.
It’s actually 355 ml.
I’ll accept the lowercase L (in my East Coast based US education we were taught liters should also be capital L, but that seems to either be flat-out incorrect or have fallen out of fashion), but googling images of the cans shows me no space between the number and the unit.
I hadn’t even noticed that you didn’t put a space between the number and the unit. Looking it up online, the Bureau international des poids et mesures states that a space is to be used in front of all units, except for °, ’ and ". Dropping the space is very common though.
It’s cool to learn the official guidelines; thanks for doing the legwork here!
No, in feet, they’re actually giants.
Practice using metric. Not kidding, as an American it’s sometimes frustrating but most things are available in metric and there is a quite large convenience factor
I can tolerate distances in metric, but I draw the line at personal measurements!
not me. my banana seems way bigger in metric than imperial
5 cm is perfectly adequate according to my wife
millimeters, they are Irish
deleted by creator
A difference of ~11" 4/5ths, or about 6’ 2" vs 5’ 2". 📐
Gosh I love Edelgards design
How is that a meme?
How isn’t this a meme?
Meme a how isn’t this.
This meme isn’t a how
a meme isn’t this how
I think it’s based on an actual photo.
Ha! As if a mere angle could out-influence my rejection sensitivity.